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Last Activity:
Nov 8, 2015
May 29, 2014
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zhuum was last seen:
Nov 8, 2015
    1. mustachio12
      u are ded
      ;_; so sad R.I.P zhuum great aphelion roleplay member
    2. pvt_tod
      Uhhh...Zhumm where are you?!
    3. king-george
    4. MadMeerkat
      Zhuum... Elder Zhuum,
      I've heard a lot about you...
    5. denm99
      Hello Zhuum, why i cant join Aphelion's KAG servers group?
      1. zhuum
        have you applied to the social forum? If not contact Aphelion via conversation. Also your blue name may be the cause you may want to fix that up.
        Jun 20, 2015
      2. denm99
        Thanks for your help. I try to contact with Aphelion. But why my blue name may be cause of this, İngraa have got a blue name too and he's admin.
        Jun 20, 2015
    6. TBA_LordKnight
      I like how you and Stabborazz have similar avatars now all you need is someone with a blue fire one.
      1. zhuum
        All the glory to our masterful Coon'
        Jun 20, 2015
      2. TBA_LordKnight
        'Coon is MINE!!!
        Jun 20, 2015
    7. LegendBeta
      Hey, was just looking through the Aphelions RP server Ban logs and noticed you banned "Jon Snow".
      He really did upset the whole RP experience every-time he was online.

      Also I just noticed there is a lot of people being banned, more than I realized?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. LegendBeta
        Wait he's back on the server ?!
        May 14, 2015
      3. zhuum
        he was given a chance to change himself.
        May 14, 2015
      4. LegendBeta
        Fair enough.
        May 14, 2015
    8. ingra
      Yeah... i was ping banned... The ping is getting stealthier each day... I don't even notice until i'm ping banned :D
      1. zhuum
        No no, server crahsed. And now crahsed again...
        Apr 15, 2015
    9. king-george
      Pfft, you're trying to be tough by not following anyone :P
      1. zhuum
        I dunno what is the purpose of following... If i need to stalk someone I would put effort in it :P
        Apr 10, 2015
      2. TBA_LordKnight
        Jun 19, 2015
    10. Durveniir
      Dear Zhuum,
      I am Jon Snow, from Aphelions server. It appears I have been banned perma. I managed to contact Spirit, and talk to him, so he led me here. I am (was) a big fan of your server. In my constant playtime i managed to piss off a lot of people, including admins, and such. All i am asking is, could you unbann me, so I could keep playing in it? As I am banned, I see no joy in Kag anymore.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. zhuum
        Apr 7, 2015
      3. Durveniir
        Absolutely, first i need to join the social forum, so that I can post the ban appeal. I would be glad to hear from you soon. :)
        Apr 7, 2015
      4. Winterbird
        Yes, you have to. It seems Zhuum didn't reply so i chose to do so.
        Apr 9, 2015
    11. king-george
      Coon did the same thing with your avatar too?
      1. MadRaccoon
        Feb 21, 2015
      2. MadRaccoon
        Phone photoshop :p
        Feb 21, 2015
      3. king-george
        O' right :D
        Feb 21, 2015
    12. TROPICALear5
      the ban has been going on for about 2 months and I don't know who banned me?
      1. zhuum
        Well, seems you have been banned permanently by duke jordan a while ago. If you haven't had any permanent bans beforehand you could go and write appeal on the social forums.
        Dec 3, 2014
      2. Duke_Jordan
        As stated also, The Permanent ban was not recorded on the Ban logs for the Social Forum, and my Personal Notepad file of bans was deleted it seems. I will unban you because I Don't expect someone to appeal if they don't know what they were banned for. (Sorry for the situation)
        Dec 3, 2014
      3. TROPICALear5
        thanks duke, it is fine, I miss roleplaying as an orc in a dungeon, THANKS ALOT
        Dec 3, 2014
    13. TROPICALear5
      I am banned aswell for no reason on aphelions roleplay
      1. zhuum
        Did you know who did issue the ban? Did you look at the ban log and see if the ban was longer than one week? If not then you have to just wait for the ban to be removed.
        Dec 3, 2014
    14. AngelofLight
      1. TBA_LordKnight
        Thanks for sharing
        Jun 19, 2015
    15. Fission14
      I complained to Aphelion. You banned me for no reason, except if you count do not block door ways as a rule and breaking ladders as grief which can be broken in one hit. I do not think you are bad but I am complaining. I do not think you are wrong either.
      1. zhuum
        So do tell me what exactly are you complaining about? I cannot roleplay any more as greedy elf?
        Nov 26, 2014
    16. AngelofLight
    17. AngelofLight
      Nevermind. XD I'm not getting it now. o3o Building castle with Pyro and Joesph.
      1. zhuum
        Nov 25, 2014
    18. AngelofLight
      Hey Zhuum, this is Athena.
      After you went, the server restarted and I got disconnected a few times.
      Now I try to connect and there says "You are banned on this server." and I'm like "wut?"
      I didn't even do anything...

      What should I do?
      1. zhuum
        It my had kicked you because bad ping. The ping kick ban is only for 10 minutes or 60 minutes. So nothing to worry about.

        After you get angel race or in general have donated (got it as gift from me) you will be immune to ping kick.

        Take care and see you around.
        Nov 25, 2014
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