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Comments on Profile Post by Mexer

  1. Mexer
    [09:50:22] Connecting to... Frost Tactical KAG
    [09:50:39] [Zen] BludyMana (TheBloodyWolf) has joined Red Team
    [09:50:39] TheBloodyWolf connected as [Zen] BludyMana
    [09:50:39] [Zen] Trojan (Tizmiz) has joined Blue Team
    [09:50:39] Tizmiz connected as [Zen] Trojan
    [09:50:39] Mexer connected
    Feb 13, 2014
  2. Mexer
    [09:50:39] -nc- Mexer (Mexer) has joined Red Team
    [09:50:39] Mexer is now known as -nc- Mexer
    [09:50:49] <[Zen] Trojan> HACKEr
    [09:50:55] <[Zen] Trojan> Kick please.
    [09:50:58] <[Zen] BludyMana> haxor
    Feb 13, 2014
  3. Mexer
    [09:51:01] --- A Vote was Started by TheBloodyWolf ---
    [09:51:03] --- Tizmiz Voted In Favour ---
    [09:51:03] Vote Kick Passed! Mexer will be kicked out.
    [09:51:03] --- Vote Passed 1 vs 0 [1 required] ---
    Feb 13, 2014
  4. kedram
    uhhh, thats wierd, il look into it and get back to you on it.
    Feb 13, 2014
  5. kedram
    alrighty, they were 1v1ing and wanted you to go. i told them next time to say that and not acuse hax and then randomly kick you or anyone else. sorry for the inconvenience mexer :(
    Feb 13, 2014
  6. Mexer
    I understand. No problem. Thanks!!
    Feb 13, 2014