[09:50:22] Connecting to... Frost Tactical KAG
[09:50:39] [Zen] BludyMana (TheBloodyWolf) has joined Red Team
[09:50:39] TheBloodyWolf connected as [Zen] BludyMana
[09:50:39] [Zen] Trojan (Tizmiz) has joined Blue Team
[09:50:39] Tizmiz connected as [Zen] Trojan
[09:50:39] Mexer connected
[09:50:39] -nc- Mexer (Mexer) has joined Red Team
[09:50:39] Mexer is now known as -nc- Mexer
[09:50:49] <[Zen] Trojan> HACKEr
[09:50:55] <[Zen] Trojan> Kick please.
[09:50:58] <[Zen] BludyMana> haxor
[09:51:01] --- A Vote was Started by TheBloodyWolf ---
[09:51:03] --- Tizmiz Voted In Favour ---
[09:51:03] Vote Kick Passed! Mexer will be kicked out.
[09:51:03] --- Vote Passed 1 vs 0 [1 required] ---
alrighty, they were 1v1ing and wanted you to go. i told them next time to say that and not acuse hax and then randomly kick you or anyone else. sorry for the inconvenience mexer :(
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