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Comments on Profile Post by Aeroblitzer

  1. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Hey. Totally remember you, bruh. <3

    How's it been? I've not been online myself much; what with uni and terrible, terrible internet. ::P:
    May 16, 2015
  2. Aeroblitzer
    It's been great. Unfortunately, things are getting busier though. And they'll keep on doing that for the next year. I mean, you'll know what year 11 & 12 are like. Which probably means no KAG for another year. :(
    But I'll return one day. :) How's your life been?
    May 17, 2015
  3. EhRa
    May 17, 2015
  4. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Yeh, Y11 & 12 are a little loopy; but, fwiw, they're not the be-and-end-all. They're just a stage. However well (or not) you do, you can always go on to do the things you'd actually like to do. Life is like that-- a myriad of ways to get most things done. :3
    May 17, 2015
  5. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Life for me has been craycray for what feels like an eternity now. Hopefully I'll get a break around my birthday (July), but after that it's back into madness until Christmas time. ;_;
    May 17, 2015
  6. Aeroblitzer
    I agree it's not like the climax of your life. But I also feel as if it's 2 years I probably shouldn't risk playing around with. Idk if it's just me, but I feel it should be played safe. I've always been told "It's just 2 years, after that, you have a whole life waiting ahead" And I guess it's true - hence I'm deciding not to play games, and focus more on study.
    May 17, 2015
  7. Aeroblitzer
    And although I don't know how you feel ( Cause, I'm not in Uni ) But I have a family friend who's in medicine, and he's flat out atm. Apparently there's exams in June and stuff. So I'm guessing your life must also be tough atm. But I guess we can all apply the "Work hard these few initial years, then you have a whole life ahead to enjoy" motto.
    May 17, 2015
  8. zollie20
    Im also here, and haven't been here!
    May 20, 2015