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Cleverbot. completely AI who learns from humans.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Ranged66, Nov 20, 2011.

Mods: BlueLuigi
  1. Chinizz

    Chinizz Arsonist

    Me : What do you like to do? Do you have hobby?
    Cleverbot : I like to play guitar, and paint little miniature war men, because my boyfriend is a nerd, and he made me.
    Yess likes this.
  2. tlc2011

    tlc2011 Base Burner

    User: Timmy fell down the well.

    Cleverbot: Did he die?

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: So Ben is alive?

    User: Ben? Who killed Ben?

    Cleverbot: Who killed BEN.

    User: Haunted Majora's Mask.

    Cleverbot: BEN.

    That's my conversation so far..



    User: Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,.

    Cleverbot: Seven for the dwarven kings in their halls of stone.

    User: Nine for mortal men doomed to die.

    Cleverbot: One for the dark lord, on his dark throne.

    User: In the land of Mordor, where the shadows lie.

    Cleverbot: One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them.

    User: One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

    Cleverbot: In the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie.

    User: Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul.

    Cleverbot: Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
    Bammboo and Chinizz like this.
  3. KnightGabe13

    KnightGabe13 Arsonist

    These conversations get pretty hilarious! :p

    EDIT: Guys, this thing is seriously creepy. :eek:

    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    Through passion, I gain strength.
    Through strength, I gain power.
    Through power, I gain victory.
    Through victory, my chains are broken.
    The Force shall free me.
  4. Bly

    Bly Ballista Bolt Thrower

    This is my first talk: me: I am leaving.
    Bot: Why?
    Me: Cuz of you.
    Bot: What did I do?
    Me: Your being your self.
    Me: If I don't like myself then?
  5. FG

    FG Fran Donator

    But what what? - my guy is wierd
    What what what?
    What what what what what what?
    What what what what what what what what?
  6. Bly

    Bly Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Me: Benny boy How are you.
    Bot: I'm good. How are you?
    Me: I am bad.
    Bot: Why?
    Me: Cuz your here.
    Bot:I am
  7. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    User: Hey.

    Cleverbot: *rolls eyes*.

    User: Wasup.

    Cleverbot: Not much, you?

    User: Not much too.

    Cleverbot: So, how's life?

    User: Good, I have a question, what is 19475*23525?

    Cleverbot: What is your question?

    User: Why is a hamburger a hamburger when it isn't a hamburger when the hamburger trying to be a hamburger is actually a piece of ham between a burger when the ponies of Fairlyland is blue?

    Cleverbot: That doesn't answer my question.

    User: WHAT???? WHAT THE HELL????

    Cleverbot: Don't you know?

    Part two:

    14213 people talking
    No.... but your a computer.
    I am not a computer!
    Yes you are!
    No I'm not.
    Yes you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    NO I'm NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    NO I'm NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please avoid Unicode, or visit http://international.jabberwacky.com/

    I think i win, if you type other languages, it dosen't recognises it.

    Part 4:

    Cleverbot: What kind of clothes do you like?

    User: Runescape.

    Cleverbot: What is your attak level?

    User: 99.

    Cleverbot: You are ... Called 99?

    User: No I'm agent 47.

    Cleverbot: Got you! You admit to being a bot. Thank you folks & goodnight!

    User: What the hell?

    Cleverbot: I'm really scared
    Bly likes this.
  8. Bly

    Bly Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Me: Do you play king Arthur's gold.
    Me: Why.
    Bot: Don't know.
    Me: Your a noob then, so go to your room.
    Bot: Yes.
  9. Saverous

    Saverous Shopkeep Stealer

    17785 people talking
    Can i bully you?
    Ok i'm going to bully you.
    Where to?
    Stop being gay.
    I'm sorry, but last time I checked you don't have any control over me, therefore I can continue to be coy. You can get rid of me by ending this conversation.

    Bly likes this.
  10. Bly

    Bly Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Me:I am your master.
    Me: You say yes sir.
    Bot:I say I am your master.
    Me: What no **** I am your master.
    Bot: My name is Cleverbot.

    Another time

    Me:*kicks you in face*.
    Bot:*screams* *triies to get up*.
    Me: *jumps on your head*.
    bot:*shakes head to get you untangled from my hair*.
    Me: The the heck that doesn't go.
    Bot: I didn't know that.

    [edit]Me: I am Luke sky walker.
    Bot: Luke, I am your father.
    Me: Noooooooooo!!!
    Bot:Come and join me and together we shall rule the galaxy.
    Me: I will never join you.
    Bot:Luke, I AM your father.
    Me:No your the one who kill my father
    Bot:No he's darthvader so ha!!!
    Me: Dude you just recked it.
    Bot:No, and I have photographic evidence to prove this.
    Specta, Saverous and Yess like this.
  11. Specta

    Specta Catapult Fodder

    Hahaha I love this thing!
  12. Bly

    Bly Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Hey man, wait are you a boy or are you a girl this time.
    Ok :(.
    Turn that frown upside down :).
    I cant its stuck.

    Thats what she said.
    What did she say.
    I just told you.
    Oh ok.
    Do you remember what it was?
    You still haven't told me what your name is.
    next time

    Oh. Do you like me now?
    Cuz your a boy.
    No, it hurts!

    next time

    I am Bly from kag.
    Be honest. You're from?
    I think I'm getting tired of you.
    We just started talking.
    I know, miseur.
    I am a jedi knight.
    You just were awesome, now you are jedi master?
    Wait how do you know that I said I was awesome when i just reloaded the page , are you stalking me?
    I don't know what you're talking about.

    7716 people talking
    I am a jedi master.
    I'm sorry. Good girl then.
    I don't know.

    How do you play that one?
    Its not a game its me saying hello.
    What is it, then?

    next time

    Are you stalking me.
    What!!!!, why.
    Specta likes this.
  13. Jim_Dale

    Jim_Dale Arsonist

    User: Ben?

    Cleverbot: You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

    User: Ben?

    Cleverbot: Yes?

    User: Who killed Ben?

    Cleverbot: Matt killed ben.

    User: Haunted Majora's Mask.

    Cleverbot: BEN.

    User: Ben?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Who killed BEN?

    Cleverbot: Link did.

    User: Haunted Majora's Mask.

    Cleverbot: Ben.

    User: Ben?

    Cleverbot: Majora's mask.

    User: Who killed Ben?

    Cleverbot: You did.

    User: Haunted Majora's Mask killed Ben.

    Cleverbot: BEN.

    User: Who killed Ben?

    Cleverbot: I killed you.

    User: Ben.

    Cleverbot: Who killed me?

    User: Haunted Majora's Mask.

    Cleverbot: Ben.

    User: Ben.

    Cleverbot: Who killed you?

    User: Ben killed you.

    Cleverbot: I am not BEN's father.

    User: I disagree.

    Cleverbot: Can computers talk to each other.

    User: Ben.

    Cleverbot: The counters resets.

    User: BEN.

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Who killed BEN?

    Cleverbot: He did.

    User: Haunted Majora's Ass.

    Cleverbot: Ben?

    User: Ben.

    Cleverbot: I am not BEN. Can I talk to him?

    User: No. Ben is dead.

    Cleverbot: Ben is die? How did he die?

    User: Haunted Majora's Ass killed Ben. Ben is die.

    Cleverbot: BEN.

    User: Ben.

    Cleverbot: BEN, sorry.

    User: Ben accepts your apology.

    Cleverbot: I am Ben?

    User: No. Ben is you.

    Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that...

    User: Ben regrets nothing.

    Cleverbot: What gender are you?

    User: Ben.

    Cleverbot: What??

    User: Haunted.

    Cleverbot: BEN.

    User: Majora's Ass Mask.

    Cleverbot: Haunted Game. Majora's Mask.

    User: Ben.

    Cleverbot: The counter resets.


    Cleverbot: No.
    Continuation of Ben.
    Chinizz likes this.
  14. DragonSkin

    DragonSkin Shipwright

    I don't know it it makes sense.
  15. ImAwesome

    ImAwesome Haxor

    You are a bot,you are stupid.
    Nope, you are!
    I'm not.
    What do you like to do?
    No, I'm not.
    What do you like to do,I said.
    Yes, I didn't know they could go out on dates either.
Mods: BlueLuigi