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[590] Basic Forward Wall

Discussion in 'Building Critiques' started by Mellian-Quar-Xililix, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    • added build number
    Many buildings i see on the forum either take so many resources it will be impracticable to build it during play when your under attack, or they so darn complicated you can't remember how to build it. So here is a quick forward fall that will slow down the enemy and take a low amount of resources.

    As a builder, I often build this very basic structure early on. Although it doesn't look like much, it serves the purpose of preventing a couple builderless knights from hopping over. Its cheap and can be easily modified to serve any purpose. Often I don't have to worry about bombs so early on, so I can leave the barrier one stone block wide. I usually build it in a position where I am not immediately under attack so I have at least 30 seconds or so of building this possibly temporary structure.


    A mistake I see many new builders make to their structures is the lack of backwalls. Backwalls should come immediately, unless the knights are numerous enough to shield stack over the structure. In which case it is necessary to make the building higher to prevent that. Backwall also prevents the structure from collapsing if the doors are broken by knights.

    One reason I leave the structure one stone block wide is for easy access for traps and spikes. Place a spike can prevent knights attempting to slash at your low doors easily and possibly kill stupid knights.

    The single bridge is a launch pad to propel you up the wall easier. I find if I don't have that bridge there, I sometimes can get stuck at the bottom.

    Note the ladder. You may accidentally open the doors allowing knights to climb up the wall, so a ladder can be placed to prevent using the doors.


    Adding more to structure makes it taller, and more stable due to another row of back walls. An overhang prevents archers and builders from climbing up easily. The dig in at the bottom front of the structure is an enemy "bomb catch" to prevent stray bombs from damaging the unreachable corner stone block. At this point the wall changes due to varying circumstances in play. If I want to have a more permanent and strong wall, adding another row of stone blocks between the bridges will help. I usually place shops on top of the wall to prevent bomb jumping knights from reaching them. More backwall is always nice.
  2. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    I like your thinking. I modified your design to maximise the defensive potential. screen-12-12-26-11-48-50.png
    I3lue, bunnie, rocker2 and 1 other person like this.
  3. Canadian98

    Canadian98 Haxor Tester

    You could also expand the wall and make it 2 or 3 blocks thick, this would remove the need for an outer door in case of accidental opening.
  4. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    Yeah, im also assuming you had full resources when you started your attack. A two block thick tower with stone backing behind it would be much more effective.
  5. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    If you have good builders maintaining it, you don't need thick walls.
  6. Yes, you do. Bombs hit through 1 block.
    jeffeypop, WarrFork, bunnie and 3 others like this.
  7. -Tj-

    -Tj- Sicarii Donator
    1. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    Nice design, although you might want to make the bottom 2/3 blocks thicker because of the fact the Ej said. Bombs explode through 1 block thick walls, maybe something along the lines of this.

    bandicam 2012-12-27 21-49-19-037.jpg

    This example can be used in many ways.

    #1. Stops the bomb though 1 blocks tiles.
    #2. Can remove the middle door on the way up, to drop the other door onto the enemy.
    #3. The bomb pit, to absorb SOME of the bomb's blast.
    #4. The archer hole on the roof. and bridges to shoot bombjumpers.

    That can be one improvement or you can do this one.

    bandicam 2012-12-27 21-55-06-445.jpg

    Pretty much the exact same only with one tricky feature.

    Above that door with the spike is backwall holding up those doors and stone to the right, simple remove the middle door again (As i said in the 1st example) and instead of only getting builder/knights/archers near the tower wall. You can have a wider collapse range to kill those enemies of yours. (And those 2 stone blocks is removed from the archers hole, so the collapse area inst connected to anything but that door.)

    Those are just some improvements for next time, your whole concept is great and works effectively in the early stages of the game, my add-ons are simply made to help further into the round.

    Like this post if my examples are gud and slick...
    Force likes this.
  8. Classic

    Classic Bison Rider

    Good construction. ;)
  9. RobertStephenson

    RobertStephenson Builder Stabber

    Does the spike behind the tower have any purpose or was that just an accident?
  10. WarrFork

    WarrFork フォーク Donator Tester

    Lawl, however the builder is great, the backwall is always usefull and don't take alot of time/resources to build it.
    If your builder die, during this time a knight can bomb or break doors to collapse it and you can't handle everything. Backwalls will keep your tower more safe if no builders are there to handle it.
  11. Force

    Force Shark Slayer

    I guess. That was just random. They bomb jump over and land on it. :p. Not really I dunno.
  12. Galen

    Galen Haxor Staff Alumni Donator

    I never said that he should build it without backwall. I only meant that a good builder could maintain the tower even if it's wall is only one block thick. But nevermind that.
  13. Chaos-Knight

    Chaos-Knight Bison Rider


    I don't like how many resources are being wasted to (maybe) squash what... 2 noobs? Totally not worth it, all that stuff could have gone to significant improvements of the tower. If I was a knight my first reflex would be that I should chuck a bomb on those two trapbridges and it would blow the whole thing down.
  14. HardPenguin

    HardPenguin Horde Gibber

    I like how the structure is simple and extensible at the same time. This is the core of effective building - simplicity, portability of idea, extensibility. Which is, by some chance, characteristics of good computer program :P
  15. Mellian-Quar-Xililix

    Mellian-Quar-Xililix Haxor

    Regarding the addition of another layer of stone:

    I prefer not to have another layer of stone. My main reasoning is that it makes it very hard to place (and remove) spike traps at the bottom of the building to kill foolish knights, or drop wood doors from the side. Sure, a couple times the odd bomb hits me through the wall, but more often then not I can avoid bombs quite easily and repair any damage.

    However, the point of this wall is to make it modular in order for people to add their own ideas to it. My own playstyle prefers having a 1 block thick wall, but others might want to have two in order to have more protection.

    One thing that I will always stress is BACKWALL like crazy! If you want to see a good backwall job without completely spamming up everything check out Killatron's or BC's building with their "spidery" like backwall placements.