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Improve UI of the menu?

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by hugio88, Apr 21, 2014.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. hugio88

    hugio88 I am the king of KAG! Donator

    Yeah this Needs to be suggested, I'm sorry but I find the UI of the main menu really ugly.

    The interface should be different, like the news stuff in the main menu en the settings should also be in the main menu with changeable screen resolution.

    Maybe a moving guy I the background or a fighting scene, but not a still image!


    Thanks for reading!
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  2. I, too, like my game running on 3 FPS before I can even start playing it
    Aeroblitzer likes this.
  3. Sirpixelot

    Sirpixelot Base Burner
    1. Aphelion's Roleplay

    Honestly, this sounds like an alright idea... the only thing I dislike is the animated background. Having the news and so forth on the menu screen as well as some small bits and bobs would make sense in a way since for some reason, the actual news site for KAG doesn't display the actual news for whatever reason for me D:
  4. Jepton

    Jepton Shipwright

    News is a good idea; A SFD (Super Fighters Deluxe) type menu could also work.

    Maybe some factories producing hamburgers in the Bg could be made as well...
  5. samleal

    samleal Catapult Fodder

    My English is not good, have patience:
    I was thinking it would be nice if the menu was a set of stained glass. Where each stained glass would be an option: multiplayer, singleplayer, options, etc ...
  6. bobotype

    bobotype Catapult Fodder

    That's a cool idea, would take up a lot of art time tho from the devs unless someone were to lend a hand
Mods: Rainbows