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Trapblocks need a re-work.

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by PUNK123, Jun 6, 2016.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Vermilicious

    Vermilicious Ballista Bolt Thrower

    Trap blocks are a troublesome concept. First of all, and I think I've mentioned this once before, they don't actually "trap" anyone, so the name is misleading. They are really "trap doors" (hidden hatches that opens when pressurized), with the magical ability to determine what team the player standing on it belongs to. It is the direct opposite of a regular door. The problem is, that with a door, it seems intuitive that it's locked for anyone not on the owning team; it requires a virtual "key" to unlock it. There's no intuitive analogy for a trap door to behave this way. A trap door simply give way if someone is standing on it. There's no "key" involved, and especially not when you're already standing on it. It's also not easy to create a sprite to convey the purpose and function of such a magical trap door, that is visually different from a vertical door, while somehow still appearing like a door. The current sprite doesn't really say anything except what team it belongs to.

    My proposal would actually be to simply remove the trap block altogether. If you want people to fall into a pit; just make a pit. If you want them to not be able to get out of the pit; use reversed platforms. If you want to enable entry past a wall for your team mates; build doors. Plain and simple.
  2. Coroz

    Coroz B R B Donator Tester Official Server Admin
    1. [AG#] - Ancient Gear

    trapblocks are still great when used the good way, and as few as needed, like trapblocks under a tunnel with under it a saw. or trapblocks to get up to your tower( can be done with doors inside the brickwall aswell) Some people make the knight shop on trapblocks so the enemy has a hard time buying kegs /bombs/mines when they come inside it. trapblocks where changed a couple of months ago and it got reverted back again. They worked like this :making them like doors for allies, and the enemy's cant cant go through them if they are under them. but alot of people from the community hated it.

    Because traps are so often a problem instead of helpfull for the team. to fix this a bit is to make spikes much stronger. 1 example, 1 bombarrow can destroy like 10 spikes instantly. (making spikes much stronger could lead to other problems) but 1 keg should be able to blow them all up. Also the drop damage of spikes used by offensive builders should stay the same then.
    builders shouldnt be able to jump into a trap and remove all spikes with 2 hearts left when they finished the job.

    People also have to understand that in order to keep the trap working for the team they have to place doors on the right or left side aswell for maintenance.
    My advice is if you change trapblocks make them as easy as possible, so newbies dont have a hardtime understanding them.
    Magmus likes this.
  3. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    Removing trap blocks completely, although a viable idea, would increase "noob" traps. To really see this, you have to picture yourself in kag.

    In front of you are two traps, both made by your team. They are both spikes on stone. One uses trap blocks for team friendly movement, while the other has nothing. The cancerous trap is the one that allows both the enemy and your team to go into, aka the one without trap blocks.

    My idea, which has probably been stated/implemented would be as follows;
    • Allow trap blocks in the game. Said trap blocks allow enemies through, but when holding E, allows you team to go through.

    This suggestion both keeps the functionality of the trap block (in the form of allied movement) while allowing your allies to pass through if needed.
    jibbo35442 and Magmus like this.
  4. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    People just float or run to one side to avoid the sawpits. I would love for that bullcrap to be removed but just pointing out even in that situation it isnt too useful.
    0/10 b0th useless uses.
    We, or atleast I, was very infuriated by the lack of a fix and the fact that at the surface it looked like a 1/2 baked idea. Im perfectly fine giving it another go with the old blocks if they are actually fixed(though dont give us the broken ones again and tell us to wait for you to fix them). Again this was part of the reason for the giant backlash towards mines but that is off-topic so ill leave it alone.

    I dont get why this was such a no-no idea but it was suggested during the shitstorm that was a discussion about trapblocks after the "fix" and for some reason it was ignored.
    Then we are both removing functionality and making dirt spikes useless(both bad things). though this does bring me to want to talk about ladders maybe taking over the function you want, only allowing teammates to catch them. At the very least the speed nerf is lame and should be talked about somewhere else. Also another thing to consider: maybe allow slashing through trapblocks(give the defensive sharkers a nerf :^()
  5. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    lower hits to 8
    make bombs less useful, but allow allied bombs to affect and go through trap blocks

    My temporary fix to this is making trap blocks more fragile and allow bomb blasts to go through them, but possibly damaging the block by 1-2 hits so no forever bomb fishing. Ideas?
    Magmus likes this.
  6. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I'd like to make people stun for a second on travelling through a tunnel actually (would curb the "teleport spam" people do in them and make tunnels at base a lot safer)

    Agree that lowering the hits on them could help in the short term. Making bombs go through them is a little more fiddly due to the way bomb explosions work..
    jimmyzoudcba, Magmus, Vamist and 3 others like this.
  7. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    hmm. Just based off that, maybe give passing trapblocks a daze or a 0.15 sec stun? But only triggers once either every collision or with a cooldown to prevent trap block jails. Stun can extend if with a longer cooldown.
  8. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    I've got a feeling insta-stun trapblocks would be the last thing folks would want to see. It'd certainly make them effective but people really don't like getting stunned in day-to-day situations (see: every complaint about water ever).

    The rationale of having it on tunnels is that they really should be a "safe" addition to your base if properly defended, with the worst someone can do be getting a keg off in the trap below your tunnel (still bad, but can't really see a way of getting around that). As it is they can wall run/grapple right out of the gate and spam whatever they brought with them, as well as teleport back out and dodge/camp using the teleportation. This is something I'd like to see gone.

    I've added a 1s stun to tunnel travel. Think of it as "getting your bearings" when you arrive.

    I've also halved the hp of trap blocks to make them less annoying to remove. This isn't a good long-term solution but I don't want to make too many changes at the moment as we still dont have build infrastructure properly working/tested :(

    e: also fixed "builder hit tunnel around corner" but the code is super fragile; "should" only affect doors+shops and shouldn't cause any issues (has been tested a little but not a lot) but definitely prevents attacking shops you're not overlapping. One case where this does go strange is with quarters when you get out of the bed - you can't attack them until you leave the room and come back. imo this is "not a real issue" but it's definitely not great. Better than the alternative of shitter builders sapping tunnels and shops from outside walls though.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
    jimmyzoudcba, Solaris and PUNK123 like this.
  9. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    Worse than that. Knights can shield float and just avoid all tramps at all.
    Completely in favor of this. Maybe allow a public test build just for giggles tho. Perhaps downing one of the never played on US challenge servers and uping an MM's testground type thing.
  10. Geti

    Geti Please avoid PMing me (poke a mod instead) THD Team Administrator Global Moderator

    If the build number stays the same (can probably keep it the same for a little while) MM's test grounds will be public as soon as a test build is able to be built and updated. We can bump the number just before release.

    (also see above your most complained about bug got a look)
    PUNK123 and an_obamanation like this.
  11. ShnitzelKiller

    ShnitzelKiller Haxor

    Making trap blocks that teammates can pass through with ease (but still sand on), which also block enemies from below, would eliminate the need to layer all traps blocks with platforms, which would also mean teammates couldn't get stuck in traps that they fall through. I've made a mod addressing the trap block situation, which currently implements the first of these two features, since the second one might still be too strong and you could arguably expect team exits to be provided at the sides of the trap, as suggested earlier in the thread.
    PUNK123 and Magmus like this.
  12. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    This might be a bit annoying to learn, but I had the idea of having 2 trapblocks in one:
    - The current one by default
    - The new behaviour one by simply rotating with space the default one.

    This would recquire obviously some adaptation from players and a slight visual clue to see whether the trapblock you're on is "default" or "team-friendly".
    bru-jaz, blackjoker77777 and EhRa like this.
  13. EhRa

    EhRa Ooooooof Staff Alumni Donator
    1. KRPG

    That idea would be cool. Would the sides of the trap block (in normal position) be solid or would it only trigger when in the rotated position?
  14. 8x

    8x Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la Realité Forum Moderator Staff Alumni Tester
    1. The Young Blood Collective - [YB]

    I thought it as having 2 blobs in 1, if it is not rotated you would place the one at the current build (with no team access at all); if it's rotated, a fresh new blob with all the suggested changes.
    bru-jaz and EhRa like this.
  15. ShnitzelKiller

    ShnitzelKiller Haxor

    Not only would that be inconsistent and confusing to learn, it wouldn't fix the hordes of shitty traps built by newbies who only use the "default" version.
    PUNK123 likes this.
Mods: Rainbows