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bomb timer shown when you light it

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Goblin_king, Oct 29, 2016.

Mods: Rainbows
  1. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    i would like too see a little bomb timer next to your knight when you light a bomb,so you can see precisely how much time is left until it explode.
    it will allow more precisely timed bomb (wich are much needed to catch those flying archer that like to grapple away) and will also(probably) help new player to learn how to use bomb.
    bru-jaz, Magmus and PUNK123 like this.
  2. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    add the way arrow will fly at while aiming as well, building plans for builders and toggeable stone mining AI
    franek123, jimmyzoudcba and _Cuffs_ like this.
  3. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

  4. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    yea,that is a start but what i had in mind was more a little timer like in classic,wich was absolutly amazing.
    EhRa likes this.
  5. _Cuffs_

    _Cuffs_ Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    It's not really necessary imo. Most games don't have bomb/gernade timers. It takes away from the skill that comes with being aware and keeping track of multiple bombs on screen at once if you just have to mouse over them to figure how long they have until they explode like in classic.
    epsilon and an_obamanation like this.
  6. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    no no,i don't mean that you would you see the timer when you put your mouse on it,only when you light it and if you grab it you of course don't see the timer left on that bomb.this would just make your life easier by telling you precisely the time left rather than having to count the seconde after lighting your bomb
  7. _Cuffs_

    _Cuffs_ Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    Okay, I see what you're saying I still can't say I'm in favorite of it. Maybe if they made the animation of the bomb a bit more obvious was to how long it's been lit for. But the ambiguity of it really makes bomb more exciting and dangerous to use as a midieval bomb should be.
    Magmus, epsilon and an_obamanation like this.
  8. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    well,that is fine,you know when they are going to blow because they get really red,but the timer is very usefull if you need to catch fast moving ennemi or precise point of a tower for exemple,now with the radius nerf,precision is even more important. it will make bomb even more dangerous,since they will be more well timed,so on that point no worry.
    i think that the timer will allow player to make more interesting play with bomb,having to focus a bit less on your bomb(since you have a timer keeping track of it) will make the player be more agressive when they are holding one.
  9. _Cuffs_

    _Cuffs_ Haxor Staff Alumni Tester

    By adding a timer you are taking away from a potential danger of useing a bomb. The bomb is perpously an imperfect weapon it keeps it from being over powered. Every weapon has drawbacks that keep it balanced. Adding a timer would make a bomb really easy to use against aggressive archers which is tempting to me being a knight main, but it would only limit fun archers and make more tower archers which no one wants.
  10. jimmyzoudcba

    jimmyzoudcba Haxor Tester

    imo just no lol;
    It's not a bad idea, but a major use of bombs is watching the people fail the bombjumps and melee throws and get blasted into a pile of gibs.
    ahh I miss the old times when I was the only one who cooked bombs in TTH and can get triples and quads and even that one pentakill every so often. Time flies.
  11. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    well right now,you can play aggressive archer,being almost standing on ennemi knight and still be safe.the very second you see them light a bomb,you can just grapple away,and that is what most do.this would not make it that easy because bomb take some time to light,they would still have the option to use their grapple to get awayat the speed of light.on the other hand,if they stay close,in bomb range,there would be more mind work on the archer side,having to anticipate how the ennemi knight is launching his bomb,like some already do by throwing themself on you when you don't expect and make a quick escape(i think it is logic that it should be hard for archer to dominate knight in close range,or at least put them in more risk).
    people will still blow themself to a pile of gibs:by trying to make too perfect bomb,i am sure that some will miss,more than once and blow themself but the main cause of blowing yourself to bits is not misstiming your bomb,it is getting hit by an ennemi slash and being unable to throw it (or any other stun),and then blowing yourself up and that won't change,it is also here that lie the main danger of bomb,being stunned while you hold it and it is still present.
    the danger of blowing yourself up because you forget your bomb is mostly a newbie mistake and i think we can spare them this
  12. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    > nearby archers?
    > fuck bomb timers
  13. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    that is not how it work,they stay out of jab range,they hit and run and at that range,their arrow stun you if it hit,and use grappling to get away fast and repeat until your are dead,if you try to shield up and charge,they can either retreat or stay in the tree to charge their weapon of hell,assuming you are lucky enough to be in a 1 vs 1.
  14. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    shieldspam, footwork, jabs
    git gud m8
  15. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    yea,well you won't kill anyone with shielding,you can sure go faster by gliding but they will still outspeed you if they know how to use grappling.same probleme for jab,you need to get in range and they can easily stay out of range.the only thing that can catch an archer that know what he is doing is bomb(if he keep his distance and do a good hit and run).bomb timer is not necassary for this,it just make your life a bit easier.
  16. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    bomb is helping vs bad archers only mostly, and to pierce knight shield archer needw to get close, then you can bash and jabspam or just jabspam and ez
  17. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    but you forgot that when they shot you close range with single arrow,if it hit hp,it briefly stun you (if close enough,wich is jab range) or if they use theyr shotgun,it can send you away.and if well used,bomb can even kill good archer that are graplling,but are taking risk by staying close enough for your bomb to touch(even if it is not easy because they move a lot,and sometime out play knight by going in unexpected direction)
  18. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    sorry m8 but you know the rules: one thread,one idea,make your own.
    bru-jaz likes this.
  19. bru-jaz

    bru-jaz Haxor

    I don't see this going to happen, goblin. Mostly because of what the bunny stated above: ping differences.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2016
    an_obamanation likes this.
  20. Goblin_king

    Goblin_king Bison Rider

    why would it be dependant on ping difference? it just depend client side if i am not wrong?(sorry if it sound stupid,i don't know much about programming) you would press space and it simply start a timer,you press space again,the timer disappear.
    just to be clear,i am not saying that you would see the timer of every bomb on the server,or that you would see the timer of the bomb you pick up.you would just see a timer for the bomb you currently light,once you throw it,this little timer would disappear and won't come back,even if you pick it up again.
    Magmus likes this.
Mods: Rainbows