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I'm going to host a SLIGHTLY modded ctf server. What do players want?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bunnie, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    When summer starts and @AsuMagic sets up servers for me, I plan to host a SLIGHTLY modded CTF server (EU based but no ping kicks - if US players don't mind the ping they're welcome). Generally small additions and quality of life changes.
    It will have:

    - some kind of tickets (players in a team will be allowed to respawn a limited amount of times - like in kag classic)
    - new heads menu
    - /rank and other stuff

    now a few questions to players
    1. Would you play on a such a server?
    2. What other changes would you want to see?
    3. Is tickets a good idea? If yes, how many per a player in team would you like to see? (lets say 10 per player - thats 120 tickets for each teamm in a full 24 slot server)
    4. Would you want to see these trapblocks?
    5. Would you want to see old mines and trampolines?
    6. 24 or 32 slots?

    @edit: old trampoline - https://forum.thd.vg/threads/weekly-update-–-trench-run-at-pga-and-general-kag-dev.24629/#post-365715 basically you could make "trampoline cannons" which could launch you across the map, you could fold and unfold a trampoline, you could carry a trampoline only when it was unfolded. the plus is that we can always use and carry tramps now, the minus is no more tramp cannon

    old mine - can't find a thread, but they could be shielded and took less to activate

    @edit2 - additional information: it's going to be like the offi servers and the new black death - the maps are going to be rather vanilla, nothing gimmicky or iko-like
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
  2. platy1knight

    platy1knight Haxor Tester

    2.Waterarrow nerf (maybe cooldown between each shot) or sponge buff squarepants
    3.yes, 15 tickets per player
    6.32 slots
    bunnie likes this.
  3. PUNK123

    PUNK123 Hella wRangler Staff Alumni Tester

    2.probably ranks(tho wouldnt be any fun if it was iko's)
    3. About 20 tickets seems about right(yes)
    bunnie likes this.
  4. epsilon

    epsilon Assonist THD Team Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    1. Possibly, but I will definitely check it out if you host a server in AUS
    2. No sky border but still have build limit
    3. idk i haven't tried ticket servers before
    4. No, more harm than good when teammates fall into one way traps
    5. Yes, for old times sake
    6. 24 for AUS server, 32 for EU/US

    Maybe make a poll for #4 and #5
    bunnie likes this.
  5. atthetta

    atthetta Builder Stabber

    Limited respawns sounds good, a higher penalty for death would be great overall. Also it would be great to have a quicker response system to griefers and useless teammates. For example, if a builder is new, griefing, or just bad, then the team can vote to lock-out the builder class for him.

    If it has 8-10 active players then yes.

    I think day-night cycles would be GREAT for CTF games, providing a new element and challenge. It could be every other game, or 1 in 4 games, to appease all the other players who want to stick with daytime. Also players can already vote to skip a map. So have a CTF begin in night mode to indicate that it is a day-night cycle round.

    It's not good to have tickets divvied per team, because the bad players will use them all up quickly. I recommend to have tickets per player (3, 5, 10?) and then have them cost 100 coins. Once a player loses all his tickets then it's game over and forced into spectator mode. I would enjoy that.


    Link is broken?

  6. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

  7. atthetta

    atthetta Builder Stabber

    It is, the link goes to a mod zip file. I'm not downloading that. So the link doesn't actually explain what the old mines were or anything about it.

    You're wrong.
  8. BarsukEughen555

    BarsukEughen555 Ballista Bolt Thrower

    link goes to the resource page, not autodirects you on a ZIP
    in nutshell old mines are shieldable w/ knight
  9. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    it's quite obvious you joined after iko's was up... limited respawns would be cancerous, you don't care because you're a minecrafter

    isn't that practically the same as votekicking?

    in iko's when i was setting the daycycle to night, or even evening, everyone was going butthurt... i doubt people would even like that

    this would be TERRIBLE and unplayable. again, you don't care because you're a minecrafter, you never die and never go to the battlefield.

    it isn't

    doesn't make the link broken
    old mines: you could sheild mines when running into them.
    old tramps: you could use them even from below the trampoline, and their velocity boost could accumulate up to 5 tramps.
    BarsukEughen555 likes this.
  10. an_obamanation

    an_obamanation The boss Donator

    He's not wrong because your statement is that the link was "broken" when it goes to the intended area. Old mines and trampolines describes how players could shield jump off mines and make tramp cannons and the like. Old mines and trampolines should honestly be self-explanatory, they're old mines and old trampolines from previous builds.

    You're wrong.

    1. Depends on the final product but i'm sure you'd do a good job, so i'd play it.
    2. Could maybe edit prices a bit according to what you want and what the server needs.
    3. No but if there were I guess 10-20 per player.
    4. Yes please.
    5. That'd be nice, reminds me of nova ctf.
    6. Your choice, if it's more like iko's with small maps then 24, if it's medium to big maps 32.
    bunnie and BarsukEughen555 like this.
  11. atthetta

    atthetta Builder Stabber

    You're wrong because the link doesn't do what it's supposed to, which is describe/explain how the old mines/trampolines work. Instead it goes to a zip file. Therefore, it's broken.

    You're still wrong, but even wronger now.
  12. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    "A link that does not work any more is called a "broken link", "dead link", or "dangling link". Formally, this is a form of dangling reference: The target of the reference no longer exists."
  13. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    Added explanation about old mines and trampolines in my post
    atthetta and an_obamanation like this.
  14. atthetta

    atthetta Builder Stabber

    False, "minecrafter" implies that a builder stays at base and builds aesthetic "pretty" designs. I do not do this. I usually push the team forward midfield. Also I usually take care of all the essentials, getting a tree farm, farming gold for ballista upgrades, creating tunnels. I do all the work that other builders should be doing. But good and skilled builders are rare. Thus it leaves me to pick up the slack of the entire team.

    Usually my skills are most demanded for, and suited for, building. I can switch to archer/knight easily, and dominate you, but builder is the most important class in CTF and arguably, entire KAG.

    Not really, crippling a griefer on a modded server could be an option to force unruly players in line. Disable them from buying kegs, from being builder, from bomb arrows, and you've taken the edge off their team-killing destruction. Also they could be muted by vote.

    This could be better than merely kicking somebody. Often teams are too lazy to even kick griefers unless they're really really bad.

    Player are always butthurt about something. Too bad, let players deal with some issues. As mentioned day-night cycle could be 1 in 4 games, and as always, players can vote to skip. Should be an easy addition to the game.

    Some games I die a lot, when I'm offensive builder. Depends on a lot of conditions, the server, what class I'm playing, what I'm feeling like. Wrong about the minecrafter and not dying part.
    platy1knight likes this.
  15. erik102003

    erik102003 Base Burner Tester

    1. Yes
    3. No, would just encourage camping and minecrafting
    4. Yeah
    5. Nah
    Plz do
  16. Asu

    Asu THD Team THD Team Forum Moderator

    also known as literally everything a non-retarded builder is doing™

    No you can't, that's the problem. I'm here for literally around 10x more time than you, with a similar number for most people that answered in this/your threads.
    When you're coming over insulting admins and moderators because you keep spamming your threads with suggestions that were refused over years, farting higher than your arse, you finally get surprised you get banned for a day.
    Then somehow you want to, believe you will get hired by THD... Do you really believe they're hiring random idea guys from early 2017 with a 50k$ pay while there are interns that actually contributed without getting paid on their will? There's people in the modding community that helps keeping the community actually alive continuously on their free will for free, why are you acting like the messiah out with the unbelievable marketing plan to save KAG THD would never have thought about?

    I don't get why they would vote for removing access to builder if they could kick them for griefing at all?
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
    BarsukEughen555 and platy1knight like this.
  17. bunnie

    bunnie Haxor Tester

    please stop the offtopic, this thread is about suggestions to my ctf server, not about who's the best ctf player :(
  18. wayne__newton

    wayne__newton Catapult Fodder

    1 maybe
    2 beater siege vehicle,maybe a cannon or motor antipersonnel things motor ;)
    3 idk
    4 no
    5 no
    6 if you have big maps then 32 if you have smaller maps then 24
  19. Nicuwins

    Nicuwins Haxor

    I didn't think about 1-5 because I want to get surprised but I think 24 Slots is better for KAG in generally. Since Leo hosts his Blood & Glory Server you can see that there are less players in-game. Too much players can't play on the Server because their PC is kinda shit but instead of playing on normal CTF, much players leave the game (my point of view, maybe I'm wrong) So if you don't want to kill KAG you better set up a Server with 24 Slots.
    ParaLogia likes this.