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CTF Gix_Devastated_Lake_NEW

Discussion in 'Maps for the Official KAG Servers' started by MeepoRu, Sep 5, 2021.

  1. MeepoRu

    MeepoRu Shopkeep Stealer

    Map name: [Devastated_Lake]
    Gamemode: [CTF]
    Symmetrical: [Y]
    Special features: [6 trees, 3 chickens, 1 shark and 1 boat for blue and red]
    Map name: Gix_Devastated_Lake

    Attached Files:

  2. Hugobh

    Hugobh Shark Slayer

    I like the idea ... but I think there are some errors in your map:
    + Water can contaminate the map from one flag to another, which means that players will have to cross a huge amount of water to get close to the enemy base.
    + The presence of backwalls in the watery parts allows builders to build easily, making a mess of the map (this makes the movement of players on the map disgusting, because it will be bad to move both on foot and by boat)
    + The materials are not matching the usual official maps and most likely the bases will turn into a big crater (this might be a nice feature of your map, but I believe they won't approve of it until they fix it)

    For now, this is what I see...maybe u need to block that rat corridor in the center bedrocks -> upload_2021-9-8_15-10-26.png

    And one more thing, did you have any inspiration to make this map? hahaha I made a map with a similar layout these times ago

    But yours is fine, it just needs a good repair...