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[Aha] Ultimate Tournament ! <Premium account to win>

Discussion in 'Old Events/Giveaways/Contests' started by Hunk, Dec 12, 2011.

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  1. trangaror

    trangaror Shipwright

    Sorry for delay but now i connacted with Thiel
  2. Miczu

    Miczu Shopkeep Stealer

    Hunk you mentioned a map you want it to be done on... Any server with it so we can play? Our match need one on east coast so we both have similar ping... killatron46 mentioned "Action [!] CTF Unlimited Respawns!" as one with decent pings for both of us... I'm from middle of europe and he is ( i guess) west coast...
  3. Thiel

    Thiel KAG Guard Tester

    Me and trangagor are ready and will probably play tonight.
  4. Danhup

    Danhup Shopkeep Stealer

    Hunk could i get the password for that i want in, or is it too late?
  5. siersciuch07

    siersciuch07 Horde Gibber

    I can play my match tomorrow (wednesdays always free) or at the weekend
  6. Huntrom

    Huntrom Bison Rider

    You start trolling just cos of 1 exclamation mark?? and u also trolled cos u didnt want to give me passcode?? what???
    xDragon, next time in a situation like this, try actually being online at the forums and reply quickly to solve the problem, if u did that with me we would have found a server within 1 min , and probably had finished the match, u childish trolling just ruined my day. and i stopped meesaging after ur last meessage cos i went offline to eat lunch, u read? ( also after i finished eating i finished downloading WoW WotLK [with privaate server, as in play for free in it] so i played that)

    Hunk why don't u ever read all the comments before u reply, we r talking about xDragon trollling and u say random replys and say videos will be fine if we have good pings??
  7. Noburu will not give anyone that server for the tournament. I suggest using Blueluigi's server that he provides.
  8. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Beat Rayne 11-7.

    We tried the tourney map honestly we did not enjoy it, I beat him there too though, so we went to a perfectly flat small map and did it fully again, since honestly the tourney map has a lot of B.S. that favors platformers to fighters, and since I outplatform him all day err day I schooled him on that map.

    Anyway, AJ will probably post the video he took of all of it, him and muffin were spectators.

    I gave Hunk the pass to my server people could use, it's named properly, I've also given people who asked me, I would post it here but I don't want randoms hopping in who aren't in the tourney.

    If there was a convo I'd post it there. :<

    but since I won't be on overnight or most of tomorrow most likely, the password is: dirk

    If I see randoms on I will change the pass when I wake.

    It has the proper gamemode and loads the Aha tourney map, possibly the only thing is that if you need someone on ask anyone in Action clan you can find they have the RCON and tell them to :
    /rcon /loadmap Duel/SoloFighting
    That's where me and Rayne fought, if you prefer it and Aha has no problem with this.
  9. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Origninal map: Luigi 11-3
    Better map: Luigi11-7

  10. Huntrom

    Huntrom Bison Rider

    AJ, You sounds...Awesome...
  11. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    lol how so?
  12. Huntrom

    Huntrom Bison Rider

    nvm, you don't get it. Where r u from?
  13. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    New York City area.
  14. Huntrom

    Huntrom Bison Rider

    hmmm, ok. Did u do ur match yet?
  15. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    No im gonna message him.
  16. Huntrom

    Huntrom Bison Rider

    k, hunk when someone done their match pls update ur "pyramid" and also xDragon is not replying...
  17. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    Hmm i can talk to him give me a day to tell him about the match.
    Your timezones are far apart that is most likely a big factor.
  18. Huntrom

    Huntrom Bison Rider

  19. Hunk

    Hunk Shopkeep Stealer

    Thanks to you give me some help with organizing your combats, As you can see I've got some problem at home.. A dead in my family, some troubles.. It'll be ok soon, sorry, but thanks for coprehension.. I update the image !
  20. AJ

    AJ Emperor of Mankind Donator

    My opponent has not responded i think because he does not check thr forums.
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