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The Problem

Discussion in 'Classes & Mechanics' started by Contrary, Feb 23, 2012.

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  1. Mugumaster

    Mugumaster Shipwright

    You know what will happen if you add build time?
    Being a builder is already boring sometimes and large structures need a considerable amount of ressource gathering after the start preparing time. So you force people to mindlessly gather ressources and then spend an eternity building something? And probably the builder will get wasted by archers, knights and other builders before he even can make a 5 block high wall ....

    That sounds like frustration to me! Why spend all this time gather, plan and build something while all the knights are running to the front without having to prepare something? Since knights get instant action, Archers get semi-instant action (they can buy arrows) you would only achieve that NOONE would be a builder anymore only if he would be really really REALLY dedicated to this boring job.

    I already hate all those knight slaughter fests, where on a 48 people server 40 people are knights that just storm the front and throw aimlessly bombs at each other. This game isn't about knights vs knights!!! It's a teamplay game where every class should be as fun as the other!

    Sometimes I think, knight-players think they are main reason this game exists ...

    It would be the same if you would play Teamfortress 2 and start complaining that a sniper, engineer or the grenade guy can stop your scout rampage, so you whine around and hope they get so nerfed that your favourite class just overruns everything else ...
    SARGRA13, Zefree, Pizza and 4 others like this.
  2. Karlford_of_Acre

    Karlford_of_Acre Catapult Fodder

    I did know that... that's why I'm saying the new weapons are better than changing every feature already in existence. Builders build too fast and destroying buildings takes too long.

    Either the build times or the methods with which we destroy buildings has to increase; one or the other. This game isn't going to stay the same forever, sorry.
  3. Bracket

    Bracket KAG Guard Tester

    I really like the suffocation idea, because it means a tunneler can't just throw up an instant stone wall and then be totally fine and protected in his tunnel. He'd be sealing himself off from oxygen. It'd be suicide. :D (although he could just zig-zag single stone blocks so he always has air, but a knight can't fit through. Hrmmm balancing.)

    Also as far as doors, I think it would be interesting if stone doors were portcullises, basically. There'd be some sort of button or winch (only one per portcullis) you could place near the portcullis to activate it. You'd put it at the foot of it or, say, in a room higher up. That would add an interesting element of having to open and close the portcullis to block out enemies, which would also block your teammates. Naturally, a builder would be able to break through a portcullis.
    (I haven't deeply pondered the balancing or spam potential or price of this idea at all.)
  4. Sapirot

    Sapirot Builder Stabber

    The problem is not buildings in and off themselves. but the very limited ways of dealing with buildings. the only reason that people actually camp in their castle is because they can. You will see it almost everywhere, 5 archers sitting atop a mighty tower. with one or two knights jumping down to fight the enemys 8 knights. that is until you start to tunnel through their tower! suddenly there is reaction! more knights, and less reliance on the structure.

    The way i see it. the antithesis to the power of buildings, is more siege equipment. like the powder kegs, the canopies, all the ones that they have discussed. heck can you imagine what peoples reaction will be when you roll a siege tower up to their wall? having this will allow knights to be a serious threat to any building Providing that he has the right equipment having the ability for the knights to destroy walls? hell no, as much as i loathe and despise archers. that along with the bomb jumps current power is just plain silly.

    The role of the knight is to kill people in melee combat, with the bombs as a supplement not to topple towers or scale walls on his own, that is what he needs the rest of his team for, the builders. they have no where near as many offensive abilities (and by that i mean siege equipment) avalible to them. imagine a three knights without bombs approach a 5 block thick wall with a spike pit below it and with 3 archers perched high atop the the tower. What would happen? the knights would die without any ability to do damage to the structure. or sit ducks with their shield above their heads and be totally useless. now if they where to approach it with a canopy. a battering ram and a powder keg? HUGE threat.

    tldr: dont give ridiculous abilities to destroy buildings, just provide proper siege equipment.
    JacKD and CoughDrop like this.
  5. Mugumaster

    Mugumaster Shipwright

    I don't see the problem in big sturdy buildings, but more that most people don't like to play offensive as builder. Start building a ladder of stones on the enemy wall so that your team can vault over it. Then turn THEIR structure against them as builder.
    That way you don't have to destroy the building but instead you use it against them.

    But that is a job a knight can't do, so people think buildings are OP
    Zeigy and JacKD like this.
  6. JackMcDaniels

    JackMcDaniels Haxor

    The game isn't going to stay the same? really? i mean i was the one who just told you that the game was going to receive the updates you wanted and now you're telling me that the game isn't going to stay the same forever, well shit, thank you enlightened one.

    And yes, kegs should put a boot in those big bad walls that just want to make your life that much harder.
  7. take

    take Builder Stabber

    with more classes and game-changing additions on the way, i'd say it's a little premature to gauge on a whole what balances are needed.

    balancing the entire game now will just require need to rebalance once new elements are added, and again and again ad nauseam until the planned classes and mechanics to be included get finalized. any changes they make to KAG will likely need to be tested over the course of time with the player base to be sure it's effective [and fun] or not. this isn't a problem necessarily, depending on the frequency of updates, and i'll agree we do need some balance to the game as it stands now as we haven't had anything besides an incremental patch in a long while.

    that said, i'm sure the devs want to work on more than just balance issues considering the game is currently in an alpha state and there are a lot of game-changing additions to come. if you look at a game like SC2, every patch includes some kind of balance tweak even years after release, despite no new units or buildings or anything being added. SC2 also has an entire team of people dedicated to doing just that, where KAG is obviously not going to have the resources for it. the development time impatient users are already complaining about would only get worse.

    i personally really enjoy the game as it stands now. being able to build within your initial setup period is essential to your team's survival, and fun as well because you have free reign over what building design you're going for. let us make our glorious castles and fight to bring 'em down!!! i can understand the need for balance once the game has started regarding tombing, stone massing, and tunneling, but the people doing this either don't truly know how to play and be a contributor, or go out of their way to grief everyone stuck in spectator mode at the end of a match by doing it, leading to games not even being finished properly because someone calls a vote for the next match. it has less to do with the game's problems than with the individual's problems.
  8. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I just really don't like the idea of nerfing builders. The building phase is interesting, one game you should just sit and watch some talented builders and what they can throw up in limited time.

    Someone else said it best, if you remove unlimited resources during the build phase, you're gonna run out of resources, and fast. I already see noobs who tear up all the stone and trees during build time, even though they're constantly reminded that there are free resources in the tent. Wanna talk about unbalancing the game? That'll do it for sure.

    Entombment is annoying, and I really hope to see the suffocation thing happen. I agree with Jack that it SHOULD be a bannable offense.
  9. Sapirot

    Sapirot Builder Stabber

    Entirely true. i would be disheartened and dissapointed if the developers where to be scared into focusing primarily or only on tweaking an unfinished game.

    i dont know about you but i would much rather live with the current system and get my zombies, mongol hordes, siege equipment, animals, day/night cycles, new modes and all the other things they likely have planned. instead of an unfinished game crippled with patching what is not yet complete.
    Zefree and JacKD like this.
  10. Verdant

    Verdant Shopkeep Stealer

    Since no one is really opposing the idea ( trap door detail specifics aside ), do you all agree that removing team ladders is a good move?

    Its not a nerf of any class, its a nerf to buildings. Having to be more strategic in you're planned castle layout can only lead to better gameplay.
  11. thebonesauce

    thebonesauce All life begins and ends with Nu Staff Alumni
    1. MOLEing Over Large Estates - [MOLE]
    2. The Ivory Tower of Grammar-Nazis

    I wouldn't mind it.
  12. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    mMmm, I assume this is going to be changed by having something work as 'stairs' instead, that doesn't sound terrible but at the same time sort of a 'why' thing.

    This would make sense if not implemented alongside bombjumps, but making everything tighter honestly sounds like it would be just terrible, the freedom in movement that we have and that airy feeling gives life to most of the fun in KAG, those absurd movements that just make you want to 5 face that make you feel free, it'd be better off lowering cost of constructions so they could be higher faster than to halve the freedom of movement to so little. 5 tiles, you can shield bash higher than that and force someone to take fall damage way too easily then, and if 10 or 15 was auto kill you could easily do a strong shield bash and almost insta kill anyone.

    Against a castle a knight that's by himself if no one else is there on the opposing team should be able to do 'something', usually right now that means dig under, but that leads to extreme boredom on the front line, perhaps mostly because people start with higher up front doors, perhaps because people tend to build pits in front of walls, for whatever reason even if it's super hard to break stone at least the possibility there, even if it takes a long time gives a knight 'something' to do when stuck all alone and no one is on. You know those times someone throws up a 5-6 tall stone wall and calls it a fucking day and runs back to their base and you're there alone as a knight with nothing todo but switch to builder, wait for a builder or just stand there cause you can't dig under for some reason? Those are the boringest parts of the match, if we had more of those waiting at every door (in other words every structure) that would just be so boring, we already have to rely on other people and thus usually idiots as pubs play builder too damn often it just increases the boredom and the chances that we will stack teams to make sure we have at least one of these on our team and not have to deal with derps, not to mention the divide between players who have played a while and those who haven't.

    Currently buildings:
    1)Can be OP against archers, completely shut them out if they have:
    a)No tree nearby
    b)A nice 2-3 wide overhang somewhere
    2)Can easily be made tall enough to stop bombjumpers, thick base, high door.
    If backwall wasn't 'as' weak maybe it would benefit more to actually connect your buildings together into a structure and then people would do this, if a roof mattered more maybe people would do it.

    Either way all of these problems do indeed seem to come down to two things:
    Change buildings or change knights.

    If knights are made immobile while hitting that would also take a lot out of fighting, if during the jab itself you are slowed down quite a bit (Similar to an archer charging up his arrow) that's probably more than enough, similar to what we have now where you are slowed down some, but the animation is pretty fast so it's usually not a big deal. Adding clashing to slashes would be nice, I've not noticed this personally, just saiyan.

    Minimum arrows in `murder holes` aka kneecap shooters do need some fixin, minimum arrows in general are way too fast I agree, but I'm not a good enough archer to debate any of that and what'll effect as far as balance goes.

    Yes, and yes. :d

    Builders should totally have a better role for their hammer.
    Also I assume the reason is that their attack is tied in with their animation for build/destroy speed.

    People should be able to but the skill ceiling should be higher and in result those near it should be the ones able to do so. Currently we have something similar to that, the people that are really 'rambo'ing the other team, those are the people who know how to bomb jump, knight fight at a decent level and handle large mobs of people, that's exactly how it should be in my opinion. Yes it is a team game but relying on a team is a terrible thing and if you've played enough you should definitely know this.
    Wars might not have been won by flying knight ninjas, but better warriors tipped the balance and that is always going to be true, there will be some who (short of having fucking guns :>:(:) were simply better and could stand out in their regards because they had the awareness that drove their 'power' to take out more than a normal man might have been able to.
    Agree with build phase not being removed, want it removed? Do it yourself, it's a variable.
  13. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Double post, deal with it it's over 10,000 letters. Raise the cap and maybe I wouldn't have to. (At least make it stop counting stopid quoted text)
    Agreed here in that bomb jumping is more than half the fun of being a knight, it adds a sense of style, fulfillment and fun. It's instant gratification at it's best.
    People have suggested stronger team doors, I do think they would definitely help in the future, as well as help people stop fucking spamming the shit out of teamdoor hallways, jesus christ I hate those people.

    This is a general problem with development that you are always going to see, it's easier to continually nerf things and bring them in tighter than to try and balance them and keep the general feel as it usually means elevating some classes which is hard to do. I agree with that post 100%.

    Bottom line for any of these huge fucking changes:
    If you're going to make them I implore you please, please, please, please, please set it up on a TESTING server, and don't introduce it into the public build until it has had extensive testing AND feedback by many many members, these are huge changes that could make or break KAG and without extensive PUBLIC testing that could go seriously bad.
  14. Thrilling

    Thrilling Catapult Fodder

    1. Let the admin of a server have the option to enable/disable building time and how resources are gained (with a time ticker or keep it as it is or only gainable by digging). These are all game changing concepts. This is not a balance issue, it's a preference of gameplay, it depends on taste. "fixing" it would slap one group of players in the face, not addressing it the other. So give people the ability to choose and create a server like they want it to be.

    2. Your suggestion that building blocks gets canceled when someone is moving through it while you build is the most annoying concept I can imagine, especially during early phases of the game
  15. Demented_SCV

    Demented_SCV Shopkeep Stealer

    As a solution to team-only vertical travel:

    Allow Team Bridges to function exactly as they are when moving down through them. When a team member moves up, however, they operate as a ladder with half the player movement speed that ladders do.

    Team Bridges would still function effectively as traps, and this indirectly buffs ladders, ensuring more frequent use of them for vertical movement.
  16. Neat

    Neat King of the Dead Donator Tester

    Standing still while jabbing would be bad, not getting stunned while being jabbed would be good. What's wrong with his outcome?
    Frikman likes this.
  17. Verdant

    Verdant Shopkeep Stealer

    That solves nothing, and just slows down gameplay.
    The idea is that if one team can get to it, so can the other. Archers can't be safe on top just because team ladders are in the way.
  18. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    You already have the option to enable/disable.
    The resources gained thing is something I've asked for for a while when it was changed originally ^^; So 1/2 of that is already done.

    Sorry, didn't understand that, maybe it's too early. Are you trying to say that there should be no such thing as team only vertical movement?
  19. Verdant

    Verdant Shopkeep Stealer

    Yes. that's what me and the others are suggesting.
  20. BlueLuigi

    BlueLuigi :^) Forum Moderator Donator Tester

    Can just be the same speed as ladders... ladders are already so slow it's painful. I do agree that that teambridges are too fast to go up sometimes but usually this is to fix the huge problem of newbies/tards on your team who start off by building a huge block of stone in front of your base that is super tall.

    Most of the suggested building changes sound like they would power up newbs and griefer's destructive abilities towards the team a million fold.
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