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Comments on Profile Post by Terrytop

  1. Saverous
    your welcome, i'm going to make another one later. :-)
    Jun 7, 2012
  2. Terrytop
    Great! I love modding :P
    Making it so everything looks like star wars lololol
    Jun 8, 2012
  3. Saverous
    yeah lol, there's Star Wars Texture packs if you want to, just look in the texture pack sub forum
    Jun 9, 2012
  4. Terrytop
    Thanks, but I love the satisfaction of making it myself, I will check it out though haha
    Jun 11, 2012
  5. Saverous
    New one out!
    Jun 12, 2012
  6. Terrytop
    Nice lol
    Im gonna check it out, and one thing, are the bison only on zombie servers, and what can u do to them besides kill them?
    Jun 12, 2012
  7. Terrytop
    One other thing, I read ur more complicated modding guide, and about playing as a zombie... it works... sort of...
    I tried it out yesterday on my spare time, and discovered that by going to the source code in C# instead of NotePad (I havn't tried this on NotePad yet...) you can re-program it so zombie playing works... one prob tho... u cant change into anything else... ever.
    Jun 13, 2012
  8. Terrytop
    And playing as a zombie sucks, unless ur a knight, but the source code for the zombie knight is so complicated, so is the greg and bison... so i just play as zombie or skeleton...
    Any ideas to make it work on notepad so i dont have to ask my dad for help with the programming? lol
    Jun 13, 2012