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Comments on Profile Post by CheeseMeister

  1. Antman
    I only have 3.
    And Roc followed before I really knew him xD

    But, I won't deny wanting good players to follow me, who wouldn't?
    Jun 14, 2012
  2. CheeseMeister
    You called One AOE scum! :p
    Jun 14, 2012
  3. Antman
    Haha, he calls everyone scum, for anything.
    AIM scum, Archer scum, Blue scum, Red scum, WoO scum... :S
    Jun 14, 2012
  4. CheeseMeister
    Lolololol, WoO scum.
    Jun 14, 2012
  5. Antman
    I am loner scum now D:
    ALU scum! xD
    Jun 14, 2012