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Comments on Profile Post by Antman

  1. Riletyface
    Wai... You are ALU now?
    Jun 16, 2012
  2. Antman
    Uhh, no? xD
    What does that have to do with bomb jumping O.o
    Jun 16, 2012
  3. Riletyface
    The post below this \/
    Jun 16, 2012
  4. Antman
    Ahh, cheese joined alu because AOE was inactive, I beileve.
    Dont take my word for it though.
    Jun 16, 2012
  5. Riletyface
    Jun 17, 2012
  6. CheeseMeister
    Yeah, um, what?
    Jun 17, 2012
  7. CheeseMeister
    Do not take Antman's word in the future...
    Jun 17, 2012
  8. Antman
    Haha, I just heard it somewhere.. there was a rumor D:
    Jun 17, 2012
  9. Antman
    Never take my word, ever.
    Jun 17, 2012