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Comments on Profile Post by SpideY

  1. Gamerbro
    why D:
    Jun 18, 2012
  2. SpideY
    I guess that you are in the aha clan and im atm looking for clan matches.
    Jun 18, 2012
  3. Gamerbro
    Yes i'm in Aha but if you want a clan war don't ask me : /
    Jun 18, 2012
  4. SpideY
    Every aha player isnt able to answer... And despite the fact that you are all inactive, thats pretty epic to schedule a match.
    Jun 18, 2012
  5. Gamerbro
    What i mean is i don't know how to begin a clan war because i've never ben in one...
    Jun 18, 2012
  6. SpideY
    You just have to gather your clan mates, there are some topics about match rules and ive got already a private server for matches.
    Jun 18, 2012
  7. Gamerbro
    I'm to lazy to do that : I ask someone else.
    Jun 18, 2012
  8. SpideY
    ........ Come one dude. Thats not a HARDCORE job to do that, or its useless to be in a clan.
    Jun 18, 2012
  9. Gamerbro
    I'll maybe join a clan war but i don't wanna begin one sorry ask someone else.
    Jun 18, 2012
  10. Gamerbro
    there is many other Aha members
    Jun 18, 2012
  11. SpideY
    Do you have a website or a steam group ? Mumble/teamspeak maybe ? How can we just contact you ?
    Jun 18, 2012
  12. Gamerbro
    just ask a member of Aha if he wants to begin th clan war he will probobly post it on our clan chat.and give the adress server name pasword ect.
    Jun 18, 2012
  13. Gamerbro
    i have steam
    Jun 18, 2012
  14. SpideY
    I just sent a message for all your clan mates and we will see.
    Jun 18, 2012
  15. Gamerbro
    Ok many members of aha are actually looking for a clan war i think you will get you'r clan war :]
    Jun 18, 2012
  16. SpideY
    Im trying to contact aha since 2 months, i dont think that there are "many members" who want to play a match :x

    Whats your steam btw ?
    Jun 18, 2012
  17. Gamerbro
    Well actually its not just my steam its my brothers 2..... so sometimes there may be someone talking really bad erhm... english... my name / our name is grillisiili
    Jun 18, 2012
  18. Gamerbro
    actally there is someone who's exited about it on our clan chat....
    Jun 18, 2012
  19. Gamerbro
    not gonna say names
    Jun 18, 2012