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Comments on Profile Post by Shrimp

  1. Ghozt
    Go into your KAG folder, then the sub folder 'app' from there you need to delete version.txt. Doing that will update your KAG, if you have any problems with a file, delete it and the update will re-download it.
    Jun 18, 2012
  2. Shrimp
    I shall attempt this, Thank You for the advice
    Jun 19, 2012
  3. Shrimp
    It does not work, it appears that the default "dedicated_autoconfig" file that is downloaded appears to be incomplete, this is quite vexing.
    Jun 19, 2012
  4. Ghozt
    Have you tried just re-downloading the game itself?
    Also, FLAB will never respond here, if you want some real help go post a thread in the help section.
    Jun 19, 2012
  5. Shrimp
    Answers: Yes, I have already posted a thread about this, results were allright, but not entirely satisfactory, I also think this should be brought to the attention of the Developers
    Jun 19, 2012