Because it is my quote. I say it not you so it is just perfectly right that it goes on my profile. Also I don't think I can forum and KAG at the same time but oh well even if I could I would still leave the game for it. And well a person like me need this "determination" to get through "certain" things in life >:)
What I meant was that my FUCKING AWSOME SAUCE OF A SHITTY LAPTOP can not handle the beauty of KAG and it's forums at the same time. But even if it could oh well. Besides it's what we are good at paired up. We must provide entertainment for the better of the community. FOR THE COMMUNITY JUSTI!
Well, it is good for the community! Hella did help in that game, he kinda just sat ontop of the tower and swore at everyone. :D
P.S. WarrFork is gonna be pissed when he gets another god knows how many alerts again xD
Well he should be happy with this alert that I know accept shark's :) Though as a shark. not some flying mutant ninja aeroplane or something because real sharks sit in cata's and troll people under water then leave, kill, troll again. (thinking about it that would actually be pretty good :D)
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