Thanks, well I do like anime, but I like manga more (better story). BTW, as far as my sig goes, they aren't anime characters, they are vocaloid characters. I won't go too much into but I can tell you that it's basically a computer software that sings. If you want to know more, you can find stuff on youtube.
Anime is what you watch, Manga is what you read, and vocaloid sing songs. Best comparison for the difference between Anime and Manga is you can say Anime is like a movie and and Manga is like a book. They can both be original or they can be based of the other. I prefer manga because the story tends be better.
You can buy manga if you want to read it, or you can find it online (particularly those that aren't translated officially) by doing some quick searching.
Yeah, what I do like how fast paced it is and no normal person would ever be able to sing that fast. Another song that does that is The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku. Btw, what kind of songs do you enjoy?
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