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Comments on Profile Post by sj67

  1. Kouji
    Thanks, well I do like anime, but I like manga more (better story). BTW, as far as my sig goes, they aren't anime characters, they are vocaloid characters. I won't go too much into but I can tell you that it's basically a computer software that sings. If you want to know more, you can find stuff on youtube.
    Dec 29, 2011
  2. sj67
    Dec 29, 2011
  3. Kouji
    Anime is what you watch, Manga is what you read, and vocaloid sing songs. Best comparison for the difference between Anime and Manga is you can say Anime is like a movie and and Manga is like a book. They can both be original or they can be based of the other. I prefer manga because the story tends be better.
    Dec 29, 2011
  4. sj67
    So Pokemon and Naruto is Anime. :D
    And where would you read Manga?
    Dec 29, 2011
  5. Kouji
    Dec 29, 2011
  6. sj67
    Thanks now I'm addicted to Pokemon Manga. :D
    Dec 29, 2011
  7. Kouji
    You're welcome
    Dec 29, 2011
  8. sj67
    Great, just accidentally clicked your sig and now I'm watching veggie juice. ^-^
    Dec 31, 2011
  9. Kouji
    You are very welcome, you'll probably have that song stuck in your head for a really long time.
    Dec 31, 2011
  10. sj67
    Actually no, I'm looking at other vocaloid things. Adventually I'll get to the 'Weird part of youtube' again. :P
    Dec 31, 2011
  11. Kouji
    Dec 31, 2011
  12. sj67
    Sad song, that top comment explains it all. But it's very fast paced which I like.

    "This should be put on a 'Most Dangerous Song To Sing' list, YOU COULD DIE TRYING TO SING THIS!!" I laughed at this.
    Dec 31, 2011
  13. Kouji
    Yeah, what I do like how fast paced it is and no normal person would ever be able to sing that fast. Another song that does that is The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku. Btw, what kind of songs do you enjoy?
    Dec 31, 2011
  14. sj67
    For Vocaloid or just any songs?
    Dec 31, 2011
  15. Kouji
    Dec 31, 2011
  16. sj67
  17. sj67
  18. Kouji
    Dec 31, 2011
  19. Kouji
    Also, this may as well have become a conversation, but it's okay.
    Dec 31, 2011
  20. sj67
    Yup. :D Any other good songs? I'm looking around.
    Dec 31, 2011
  21. Kouji
    What kind are you looking for?
    Dec 31, 2011
  22. sj67
    I'm really liking the fast paced with a story. :)
    Dec 31, 2011
  23. Kouji
    Dec 31, 2011
  24. sj67
  25. Kouji
    That was the video that made vocaloid as popular as they are now. So catchy
    Dec 31, 2011