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Comments on Profile Post by Superblackcat

  1. Sarmane
    look up "overlords" section in ALL group page super- if people realise the main point of why i state you must leave previous clans is simply due to seeing underpopulated clans being left behind then one of the main goals of ALL is accomplished combining previous clan members from across the board into a greater group that may then leave as a NEW clan not and old one!
    Jun 28, 2012
  2. Sarmane
    AOE is not underpopulated in fact it is quite occupied.... i am not a participating member of ALL but one of its managers/helpers :D and yes im also a hypocrite! if you dont want to leave your previous clans then either take everyone from the previous clan along with you into ALL or make your current clan active enough that it challenges AOE, ALL, AIM, POWER, ect to clan wars, make that clan relevant! :D
    Jun 28, 2012
  3. Superblackcat
    Delta is active... You should know that.... Also, I am in ^_^ which is less formal, but just as active...
    Jun 28, 2012
  4. ImAwesome
    And SARGRA isnt really "Leading ALL",he just made it.
    Jun 28, 2012
  5. ImAwesome
    Well atleast according to CheeseMeister
    Jun 28, 2012
  6. CheeseMeister
    That CheeseMeister guy... he gives out some pretty dodgy information... might be best if you do not listen to him in the future.
    Jul 1, 2012
  7. ImAwesome
    Lol xD.
    Jul 1, 2012
  8. Superblackcat
    Lol...So who IS leading ALL?
    Jul 2, 2012
  9. ImAwesome
    No one really.
    Jul 2, 2012
  10. ImAwesome
    Its kind've like AIMTD,except instead of the members training to get into a clan,they are training to make more clans in the future,that can beat AIM,AOE,POWER,!,YB etc.
    Jul 2, 2012
  11. Sarmane
    yeah- just add member training too :D past that im leading the Sections which lead their members- ALL doest have a section up yet so everyones just really on group atm- more members = more potential for sections = next stage of ALL
    Jul 2, 2012