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Comments on Profile Post by Creille

  1. Ghozt
    Where have you been? We are maybe getting a dedicated server to. :D
    Jul 3, 2012
  2. Creille
    I've lost my laptop + Internet + exams, will it be an RTDM?
    Jul 3, 2012
  3. Ghozt
    This what I write in a convo to cod just before: So I was thinking about it and with a few members of the community donating some money per month it would cost to much to run.
    For a twenty dollar server it would only take 5 members at $4 a month to cover the costs, simple maths, so that's $1 a week.
    Jul 3, 2012
  4. Ghozt
    So with your expierence Geti would it be better for a larger server or a $20?
    I know that the MOLE server is $20 a month, 24/7 and they never go over the the player max at 32 with that server being the most popular.
    Jul 3, 2012
  5. Ghozt
    That's just me gauging a rough estimate of what the server could handle.

    From what I estimated back there, a $20 plan could withstand the bar brawl equivalent, 6 on 6 mayhem, you could even notch the player limit up for some hectic action.Then a 10v10 CTF/RCTF/FullCTf/Clanwar/Specilized server. That would give players the ideal place to get away from the 20 on 20 Lavalord shit fights.
    Jul 3, 2012
  6. Ghozt
    So all that has to be done now is get Geti's opinion on a plan and then pay for it.
    Jul 3, 2012
  7. Creille
    As I said I wouldn't be able to help pay but... I can hold a server while we aussies plan to get another dedicated, that can hold 14 people at once (tested) my internet speed has picked up and i'm using a comp with alot of RAM compared to my lost laptop :P but it limits players who are not in the NE of Aussie plus it's not dedicated.
    Jul 9, 2012