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Comments on Profile Post by Redigit

  1. Wired
    It would seem so. He could also be a impersonator, a clone, a robot sent back in time to replicate his behaviour or another person who coincidently has the same avatar and name and posting style. Take your pick. I personally like to believe the robot one because it makes it seem more exciting.
    Jul 4, 2012
  2. Wolffkran
    That would be exciting. I have a style?
    Jul 4, 2012
  3. Wired
    Everyone does, though they are all vaguely the same and hard to tell a part. So, nothing special. ^.^
    Jul 4, 2012
  4. Wolffkran
    True enough.
    Jul 4, 2012
  5. Redigit
    So are u wolf?
    Jul 4, 2012