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Comments on Profile Post by ImAwesome

  1. Hrodvitnir
    I'm all for this actually, If the server hasn't been up then chances are Creille has been having the same problem as I have.
    Jul 7, 2012
  2. Creille
    I think I had my server up for Abit today and yeah we need to have a huge zombie slaying party! :P
    Jul 7, 2012
  3. ImAwesome
    If we do have a zombie party we should prbly use lava's server....
    in fact I might actually message him right now and see if we can have a zombie slaying party!
    (and we need to get someone to record)
    Jul 15, 2012
  4. Creille
    I've got my server a lot more powerful now so it can run a 10 player zombies no sweat. Also want me to record? Or shall we chuck someone into spectator to do it?
    Jul 16, 2012