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Comments on Profile Post by Ghozt

  1. Sarmane
    yet to have a clan war lost, there have been some matches lost at a time to different clans. gg, next time organising between us to ensure its a larger clan war so numbers can help influence the game more frequently :D
    Jul 8, 2012
  2. Ghozt
    We should really have bigger wars. I know AIM has the players, this morning we had, I think seven players at once. Also sorry for being campy in that middle game but attacking was a no no.
    Jul 8, 2012
  3. Canadian98
    It would be nice to get ALL of AOE out and the equivalent amount of AIM(AIM has more members im pretty sure) it would be hard but pretty awesome, A true Cw!
    Jul 8, 2012
  4. Foxodi
    Firstly, that was the first time AOE had lost a round in a CW. And I can't blame you for camping - you are the first guys to appreciate the power of turtling and I would have done the same thing in your situation. However it makes for very shitty games, so I hope we can all agree that unlimited lives is the future of competitive KAG.
    Jul 13, 2012
  5. Ghozt
    Exactly. That was actually what was being said over the chat: Don't attack, AOE will win. Me bunny turtle, everyone archers, besides Demon, that was the plan.
    Jul 13, 2012