P.S Kouji please go fuck yourself very hard until you no longer feel your body and the slowly start to fall off one by one. If it makes you happy Rayne can help and join in on the fun <3 Bai
P.S.S I still love you though Kouji. I prove this by calling Justi a fag.
>Implying you know everything that happens behind the scenes? Also title. If you are stupid (no offence you are cutely stupid <3) Look at my title. I am sure you will love it. Knowing you, you will fall in love with it.
Who needs a picture when you have a title that pretty much explains yourself. Also the picture I will be putting up next will be of my own doing. I am pretty sure EVERYONE will like it.
Dose not matter. Kouji (and other admins) can see everything that has been posted. I can just ask kouji whenever to show me what was said in the post and if he can, put the post back in. That is if I wanted to.
As a matter of fact Kouji is actually really nice and unlike of what most people think of him being a dick, he is probably one of the nicest people and a lot nicer than most of the other admins/guards.
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