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Comments on Profile Post by PumpkingSlice

  1. PumpkingSlice
    P.S Kouji please go fuck yourself very hard until you no longer feel your body and the slowly start to fall off one by one. If it makes you happy Rayne can help and join in on the fun <3 Bai
    P.S.S I still love you though Kouji. I prove this by calling Justi a fag.
    Jul 17, 2012
  2. justi01
    Kouji has made your profile page into something worth looking at. You should be proud.
    Jul 17, 2012
  3. PumpkingSlice
    Never. Also title.
    Jul 17, 2012
  4. justi01
    You should thank Kouji for making your profile page into something worth looking at.
    Jul 17, 2012
  5. PumpkingSlice
    >Implying you know everything that happens behind the scenes? Also title. If you are stupid (no offence you are cutely stupid <3) Look at my title. I am sure you will love it. Knowing you, you will fall in love with it.
    Jul 17, 2012
  6. justi01
    You know I just did that second one to be a douche, right? :>
    Jul 17, 2012
  7. PumpkingSlice
    No shit sherlock <3
    Jul 17, 2012
  8. PumpkingSlice
    >Implying I have the power right now to change my profile picture.
    Jul 17, 2012
  9. PumpkingSlice
    Who needs a picture when you have a title that pretty much explains yourself. Also the picture I will be putting up next will be of my own doing. I am pretty sure EVERYONE will like it.
    Jul 17, 2012
  10. justi01
    Heh. The power to delete posts make this more entertaining.
    Jul 17, 2012
  11. PumpkingSlice
    It's fun when I do it. It's sad when you do it.
    Jul 17, 2012
  12. justi01
    Jul 17, 2012
  13. PumpkingSlice
    Jul 17, 2012
  14. PumpkingSlice
    Dose not matter. Kouji (and other admins) can see everything that has been posted. I can just ask kouji whenever to show me what was said in the post and if he can, put the post back in. That is if I wanted to.
    Jul 17, 2012
  15. justi01
    >Implying they would listen to your selfish demands.
    Jul 17, 2012
  16. PumpkingSlice
    As a matter of fact Kouji is actually really nice and unlike of what most people think of him being a dick, he is probably one of the nicest people and a lot nicer than most of the other admins/guards.
    Jul 17, 2012
  17. justi01
    Yep, you've told me about him being amazing nice before. I know my memory is shit, but it's hard to forget considering how often you mention it.
    Jul 17, 2012
  18. PumpkingSlice
    Hey my memory is shit too :D Yey.
    Jul 17, 2012
  19. justi01
    Jul 17, 2012
  20. PumpkingSlice
    Jul 17, 2012
  21. justi01
    I wanted to end this. What better way to end it than with a <3.
    Jul 17, 2012
  22. PumpkingSlice
    Because <3 is just asking for more. Everyone knows that.
    Jul 17, 2012
  23. justi01
    Jul 17, 2012
  24. PumpkingSlice
    Stop hurting me.
    Jul 17, 2012
  25. justi01
    Jul 17, 2012
  26. PumpkingSlice
    -.- why?
    Jul 17, 2012
  27. justi01
    'Cause you should give money to Hella. So he can get DayZ. I'd say you should get it, but you laptop is a lode of crap. ;-;
    Jul 17, 2012
  28. PumpkingSlice
    lode? KAG for ever will remain a word generator. Aimmature is still the best.
    Jul 17, 2012
  29. PumpkingSlice
    my events that would be in DayZ. Instantly get killed by Justi and Hella.
    Jul 17, 2012
  30. justi01
    So? You say pleanty of words wrong and I don't say anything. It's a dick move.
    Jul 17, 2012
  31. PumpkingSlice
    Everything is fucked up Justi. Deal with it.
    Jul 17, 2012
  32. justi01
    I'm no MM, Pumpkin. I can't deal with it.
    Jul 17, 2012
  33. PumpkingSlice
    MM does not have to deal with it as he is the troll. He makes it so YOU and ME and the rest of US have to deal with it.
    Jul 17, 2012
  34. justi01
    Wut if I don't wanna deal with it?
    Jul 17, 2012
  35. PumpkingSlice
    Be careful people. We have a serious situation of baddassness here. So baddass you may get hurt.
    Jul 17, 2012
  36. justi01
    Jul 17, 2012
  37. PumpkingSlice
    ^ Best argument come back ever.
    Jul 17, 2012
  38. justi01
    It's almost midnight god damn it. Arguing isn't something I want.
    Jul 17, 2012
  39. PumpkingSlice
    Who said this was an argument?
    Jul 17, 2012
  40. justi01
    "^ Best ARGUEMENT come back ever."
    Jul 17, 2012
  41. PumpkingSlice
    So know saying argument in a sentence means the conversation becomes an argument. This world is definitely fucked up.
    Jul 17, 2012
  42. justi01
    You litterally said it was an arg-Midnight, screw this, I'm out, night.
    Jul 18, 2012
  43. PumpkingSlice
    12:01 faggut. Your point is invalid.
    Jul 18, 2012
  44. PumpkingSlice
    Also you need to learn to read. These new KAG pubbies you need to kick have messed your mind up :< Please go back to normal Justi </3
    Jul 18, 2012