You weren't there man, you weren't there. The final and worst clanwar for AOE. after months of inactivity and guild wars 2 binging powers wants a clan war. aoe is unprepared and shit ofc. Since we all pretty much lost interest in the game.
lasted for around 3-4 hours. Boring as fuck, just power turtling the whole game. the funny thing is we nearly won, which is surpising considering we were so out of shape. it ended up a 1v1, we lost of course. we pretty much all said fuck it, then it was disbanded.
and to add insult to injury you power faggots started stealing our members. I made oath never to join another kag clan, and to hate all of them. I don't want to break that.
I'm still yet to play in a clan war. Uni sucks the life out of everything :P
I was a /maybe/ as a backup for ArL but my connection suxored.
And yeah I was torn between AOE and POWER. On the one hand, the AOEbros who got me started in KAG: i still remember you taking me on as 'your apprentice'.
On the other hand, Beaster, Ruleral and Tiruin are awesome. Tiruin i've known online for a few years now :P
I can't go neutral now anyway, I've worked to hard to become a very hated individual. I don't want to ruin my reputation as a bastard by not hating another clan.
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