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Comments on Profile Post by Froghead48

  1. Galen
    Lol Raven and me brothers? xD Naw he is from Poland I'm from Germany... We could be gaming bro's but that would be it :P
    Jul 19, 2012
  2. Froghead48
    heh, yea :$
    Jul 19, 2012
  3. Galen
    Do you know why some people act strange about that? Well, Alex never said something like ''I give this account to my sister'' and so on...
    Jul 19, 2012
  4. Froghead48
    Yea, i dont really care though. Thats my brothers fault not mine. People just gonna have to deal with it :<
    Jul 19, 2012
  5. Ryu
    Jul 25, 2012