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Comments on Profile Post by kinky

  1. Adinxs
    Oh fuck.
    Jul 30, 2012
  2. kinky
    Not til you buy me dinner first. Im a classy 'gal.
    Jul 30, 2012
  3. Adinxs
    I saw the pictures, you are not classy.
    Jul 30, 2012
  4. kinky
    No wait, I can explain those. There were japanese businessmen involved. They paid well. I swear I dont normally dress up as a sexy octopus in hello kitty panties to be paddled with a briefcase on a boardroom conference table. They were celebrating great quarterly profits.
    Jul 31, 2012
  5. miniswrider
    i saw more pictures, and took videos...
    of all the things....you normally dress up as a sexy octopus in hello kitty panties to be paddled with a briefcase on a boardroom conference table.
    Aug 20, 2012