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Comments on Profile Post by thebonesauce

  1. flipperz
    Because my young friend. what happens on a server stays on that server. meaning if i tell the rcon of a server to "fuck off" and he bans me, i shouldnt be banned from every server.
    Aug 4, 2012
  2. thebonesauce
    Telling a server owner to fuck off isn't a globally bannable offense. Griefing is. Just don't grief.

    PS: I'm 10 years older than you.
    Aug 4, 2012
  3. flipperz
    I don't grief, and its an example. if lets say i set up a server which allows griefers. and then one day a global guard hopes on while I'm away. and someone does they're normal routine of pissing off they're teamates. the guard decides to give him a global ban. rather than just baning him from my server, where it happened.
    Aug 4, 2012
  4. thebonesauce
    It's a little different if the server allows for that type of thing. But that's another problem... You SEVERELY over estimate the intelligence of people. What happens when this "griefing server" is the first server a new player plays on? What if that's his first taste of KAG and he thinks that's how he's supposed to play? Now what if he spent $10 to get premium? It's gonna eventually end up with a global ban.
    Aug 4, 2012
  5. thebonesauce
    You can also disable guards on your server, jsyk. It's just funny to me that they're phasing out guards, because what happens when an admin isn't online and people see it as a license to grief/hack/etc? You're not gonna be able to get anyone to help, so then your server loses credibility, etc.
    Aug 4, 2012
  6. flipperz
    bone, I'v stated the truth, I've never been globally banned, iv never involved myself in anything like that. I'm stating my beliefs that global bans shouldn't be allowed for griefing on one server. i say if the person griefs, just perm ban them from that server, not every server in the game.
    Aug 4, 2012
  7. thebonesauce
    So a player griefs, which is the cardinal sin in this game, and he should just be excused from one server? How is that fair or at all a punishment? Chances are they don't like the server anyway, so that's why they're griefing. They need to be given some kind of negative reinforcement because otherwise they'll just grief whenever they want.
    Aug 4, 2012