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Comments on Profile Post by Foxodi

  1. cykalu
    You mad?
    Aug 4, 2012
  2. Foxodi
    i sads
    Aug 4, 2012
  3. cykalu
    That's okay, me too.
    Aug 5, 2012
  4. Foxodi
    you didn't come vent in BWE3
    Aug 5, 2012
  5. cykalu
    I didnt play much, if at all, due to ... losing more progression :<

    Waiting on retail, but not sure how much im gonna commit either :3
    Aug 5, 2012
  6. Foxodi
    :O what else are you commiting too? You finished uni didn't you. I admit I only played 2hours of random pvp too, questing pointless and my gold was deleted so no AH.
    Aug 5, 2012
  7. cykalu
    just the general lack of motivation to play games nowadays; had almost always used games as a mean of procrasinating. Guild Wars 2 beta didnt help in that regard, being a catalyst that made other games far too stale to sit thru for more than 15 minutes.
    Followed by irl circumstances, its rather difficult for me to even have fun gaming. :<

    Maybe im a lil depressed ^o^ or just getting old.
    Aug 5, 2012
  8. Foxodi
    I know what you mean. I didn't play any games from about 17-20, trying to be more productive. But now I'm roped in more then ever :S Well see you in GW2 then, maybes.
    Aug 6, 2012