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Comments on Profile Post by Lemmingworld

  1. Lemmingworld
    Honestly I thought KARPS was kinda confusing. People were like I surrender then we take them to our base. Then I come along all happy and shiz. I See the enemy and kill him. After about 20 insults in the chat box later...
    Aug 9, 2012
  2. Gofio
    the reason, is because every minute in KARPS is the same as a year in real battle.
    after two or three minutes, people get sick of the war, and want peace. sounds familiar, huh?
    Aug 9, 2012
  3. Lemmingworld
    Aug 9, 2012
  4. Lemmingworld
    Gets kinda boring and hard when you build a huge base then some guy comes along and chucks one bomb at it. Then gets in and destroys all your workshops. Things should cost less. :l
    Aug 9, 2012
  5. Gofio
    yeah, but its not meant to be war-like.
    its roleplay, right?
    instead of simply smashing the skull of the first person you see, taking his wood, you trade a chunk of rock for his wood, and live happily. or something like that.
    then people wont bomb your house.
    Aug 10, 2012
  6. Lemmingworld
    Unless they have ''grudge'' against you.
    Must be a living hell for dem admins. xD
    Aug 10, 2012