I'm not playing anymore because the weather is too good here these days. I'd rather be outside than spending my time sitting behind a PC torturing Americans. :3
Aren't you one yourself Pump' ? I imagine a remake of the Wizard of Oz where a scarecrow without a brain will make the world dance to the beat of KPOP after making the wish that it would be filled by Asians. Hollywood will surely buy the rights for the cinema. Lord, save us!
Who said anything about you doing anything? You misread me as I meant that I will be using you as an object of barter. Your services in the verbal section are not needed to me.
Well the people would be interested and attracted towards you thus leading to me giving you up to them. While this is happening I plant a seed into the area which rapidly grows pumpkins at an alarming rate. Thus leading to me successfully taking over and controlling whatever I please.
TL;DR Version: All your bases belong to me. Rinse and repeat.
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