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Comments on Profile Post by Adinxs

  1. PumpkingSlice
    Very good thanks :)
    Aug 11, 2012
  2. justi01
    Pumpking enjoys spam, the fag.
    Aug 11, 2012
  3. PumpkingSlice
    Well what else did you think? A person who truly knows how to spam and annoy the fuck out of people will obviously not have the spam. Besides the spam Adinxs gave me is nothing compared to what I get on a usual day. I would go through let's say 50-100 posts on a usual day with active people.
    Aug 12, 2012
  4. PumpkingSlice
    May or may not include messages.
    Aug 12, 2012
  5. Adinxs
    Fag? What word is this?
    Aug 13, 2012
  6. PumpkingSlice
    A word.
    Aug 13, 2012