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Comments on Profile Post by PumpkingSlice

  1. PumpkingSlice
    FYI fagus Hyuna is not a slut. Her company make her dance like this. Also for the lulz Justi is gay.
    Aug 12, 2012
  2. justi01
    What the fuck do I have to do to make you not mention me in every post? ;-;
    Aug 12, 2012
  3. SinZero
    Love him.
    Aug 13, 2012
  4. justi01
    I think he'd prefer it if you loved him. ;)
    Aug 13, 2012
  5. SinZero
    He doesn't mention me in his post, only you.
    So you do it.
    Aug 13, 2012
  6. justi01
    He mentions you. Occasionally. That must mean something, right?
    Aug 13, 2012
  7. SinZero
    Aug 13, 2012
  8. PumpkingSlice
    Justi why so butt hurt? You should be happy that you are being remembered and you have...well I would say fan base but then you are not like Sin. Besides I don't know how many people are your fans anyway.
    Aug 13, 2012
  9. PumpkingSlice
    SinZero. There I mentioned her name. Now I would like to know what it means to mention her?
    Aug 13, 2012
  10. PumpkingSlice
    Also so much for KPOP </3
    Aug 13, 2012
  11. PumpkingSlice
    Aug 13, 2012
  12. PumpkingSlice
    Asians <3 Deal with it Justi. All your land will belong to us....one day.
    Aug 13, 2012
  13. justi01
    Congradulations, you've replied 5 times in a row. Even if you do take our land, the Brit's won't die out. They simply can't. ;)
    Aug 13, 2012
  14. PumpkingSlice
    No. The cuteness of the far east people will kill out the western civilization.
    Aug 13, 2012
  15. justi01
    Heh, try cutting out this accent, bitch.
    Aug 13, 2012
  16. PumpkingSlice
    Huh? The accent which would not exist if it was not for invaders and the like. The accent that was created from multiple languages both modern and old? First make your own legit language not using anyone else's language then ask me to cut it out :>
    Aug 13, 2012
  17. Ivy
    Aug 28, 2012
  18. PumpkingSlice
    ^Yey! More reasons for Justi to cry.
    Sep 1, 2012