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Comments on Profile Post by timmiolen

  1. Kouji
    You can still use the forums for help. Issue is you were annoying a lot of people/spamming.
    Sep 1, 2012
  2. timmiolen
    I got more help in IRC (like about server making), sry for anoying but i didn't spam.
    And a warning ban would help. You didn't even give me warning you just banned me.
    As i know the forums is for help and you took my opportunity asking help away, So thanks for that :(
    Sep 1, 2012
  3. timmiolen
    Just please unban me.
    Sep 1, 2012
  4. Kouji
    I kicked you first. Kick =/= ban. So that was your first warning. Secondly your were spamming along with being annoying. You can still get help so I didn't take away your opportunity to get help. Forums are just as good.

    I'll unban you if you promise to stop spamming and being as annoying to others though. It'll be your last chance.
    Sep 2, 2012
  5. timmiolen
    I promise i wont spam and anoyoy anyone anymore.
    Sep 2, 2012
  6. Ej
    kougi plzzzzzzz
    Sep 2, 2012
  7. Kouji
    Sep 2, 2012