Oooh! Head-on insulting there! Careful with the language. This ain't your profile. Anyways, I still watch Fairy Tail as well as some other on-goers. But you stop when the anime is finished.
Fairy Tail? It's starting to get old, no more spam rants about Fairy Tail on major anime sites. Currently it's on Episode 146 right? Episode 147 in 3 days. I can get the Eng Sub, 2 hours after the Jap is out, from a "Serious" site.
Areo's my baby so its okay. and Yea i mean fairy tail is kinda stretching it out and im favoring SAO more but i still have to keep through with it till the end [fairy tail that is.]
BAM! 2:1 like ratio! Congratulations Areo (wink).
@ Cerbercre: As an anime addict, SAO was friggen shit at the start because it droned on about useless stuff for about 6 episodes, before it finally hit the main story. SAO is an action adventure anime. There was no need to drone for 6 episodes...
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