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Comments on Profile Post by Downburst

  1. Hallic
    lol, Wtf?
    why... i disaprove of a dutch forum. If you grow up in the Netherlands you should learn some English..(not perfect, but some basics stuff, you know)
    Sep 26, 2012
  2. Downburst
    If you're able to speak english, does that mean you're not allowed to speak dutch anymore? Just an easy way for Dutch people to meet eachother.
    Sep 26, 2012
  3. Hallic
    Ofcourse they can. it's just that its a bit less social. And in my opinion i think we shouldn't stimulate people to separate themselves from the bulk.

    Of course this is just my point of view. I do somewhat can see why people would want to.
    Sep 26, 2012
  4. Hallic
    I want to apologize, i could have started the conversation differently. Guess i'm a work in progress...
    Sep 29, 2012