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Comments on Profile Post by lehoon

  1. Reudh
    I aim for medicine, possibly either to be a general practitioner or a surgeon. I'm doing a Bachelor of Biomedical Science, after the 3 / 4 years I will be doing this for there's a further 5 / 6 years of doing postgraduate medicine. One year AFTER that, when I'm nearly 30, i'll be earning $AUD60k/a. Not bad.
    Sep 11, 2012
  2. lehoon
    So you mean you'll graduate in 3-4 years, take med school for 4 years, then 5-6 residency? I know in the US surgical residencies can be up to 6 years , neurosurgery ~7 years. Or do you mean 5-6 years medical school/residency included?
    Sep 11, 2012
  3. lehoon
    and $60k/a? the average general practitioner in the US gets ~140k yearly! general surgery I think is ~270k+? although I'm not sure about the medical structure in AUS, so I guess I cannot really compare
    Sep 11, 2012
  4. Reudh
    $60k/a is just for an internship. It is much higher if you're actually practicing. :P

    And yeah. Bachelor of Biomedical Science from 2012 - 2015. Postgrad Dip or Bachelor of Medicine 2015 - 2020 / 2021. I'm not so sure. I'm only a first year. :P
    Sep 11, 2012
  5. lehoon
    Well the best of luck to ya. Also, a big "doii" on my end. $60k is really nice first year residency (i must've misread)
    Sep 12, 2012
  6. Reudh
    What are you studying at the moment? Or, if not studying, what are you doing?

    And finally, I found the music vid to that Flylo song i linked in the thread.


    Trippiest song ever.
    Sep 12, 2012
  7. lehoon
    I'm doing the same. I graduated with a bachelors psychology but now trying to get into medicine. Currently I work as a scribe in the ER (lots to learn). Other than that, I'm taking pre-reqs. I should be applying this summer! Not sure of specialty yet.

    Yeahhhh, that song is definitely trippy dippy. I can't wait for his new album to come out in October.
    Sep 12, 2012
  8. lehoon
    Side note: a guy from my high school opened for Rustie a few days ago. His name is Lil Texas, part of M.O.D. They are super trappy. I think you might dig 'em ;)

    Sep 12, 2012
  9. Reudh
    If Rustie likes him, I don't doubt I will too. Btw, look up Drexciya - Hydro Theory. It's the dude who inspired Rustie's style, specifically his older music like Jagz the Smack and Bad Science.
    Sep 12, 2012