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Comments on Profile Post by Chaude

  1. Chaude
    Ingame name: Chaude
    Clans: none so far even though I have been requested to join seven.
    I didn't join them as I want to join an elite clan like AOE and I hear you guys beat them so..
    Class: Knight
    I can beat basically any foe I meet ingame, the only people who I avoid when fighting is: Exid, Antman and Creille
    Sep 22, 2012
  2. Chaude
    Age: 17
    Location: Australia Queensland
    I use the forums quite Abit for it's messaging but I do not really take part in thread discussions.
    Sep 22, 2012
  3. Chaude
    I can play archer and builder quite well, and I think I would become a great recruit to your already great clan.
    Sep 22, 2012
  4. kl4060
    APPLY ON GROUPS! (or pm) coughs* coughs*
    Sep 23, 2012