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Comments on Profile Post by lavalord

  1. Ghozt
    Oct 8, 2012
  2. Ghozt
    Also, is there a way to tell what the banners mean?
    Oct 8, 2012
  3. lavalord
    The links from clans with brackets around them don't work yet because they link to a url with a [ and ] in them. Now URLs can't have [ and ] in them so they redirect instead to the 404 page. It is in debug mode atm so you see all this info about it.
    Oct 8, 2012
  4. lavalord
    The banners are straight forward. The left has the amount of kills for all time, weekly and today. the middle has your name. the right has a rank based on your KDR. 1 chevron means you have a KDR < 1, 2 chevrons means you have a KDR < 2 and 3 chevrons means you have a KDR < 3. Then for each integer above three on your KDR you get a star. E.G. a KDR of 5.5 gives 3 chevrons and 2 stars
    Oct 8, 2012