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Comments on Profile Post by FuzzyBlueBaron

  1. Hella
    Real men play KAG with a lot more handicaps.
    Oct 9, 2012
  2. FuzzyBlueBaron
    How about on dialup with a lappy from 1993? 'Cos I got that cover too. ;)
    Oct 9, 2012
  3. Hella

    That's simples.
    Oct 9, 2012
  4. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Well, there's also the chainsaws I juggle with my off hand while keeping a grizzly bear at bay using a sledgehammer held between my toes... But I figured that was assumed knowledge and par for the course.
    Oct 10, 2012
  5. Hella
    Only grizzly bears? You can do better, bud. Grizzly bears are quite friendly in the right frame of mind.
    Oct 10, 2012
  6. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Did I mention they were drunk? And on PCP?
    Oct 10, 2012
  7. Hella
    Ah, so they were basically pacified? You had it easy, son. Back in my day, all the grizzly bears we had to fight while playing the good old video games were either 3 seperate bears, or part walrus, and, let me tell you, having bloody great tusks sticking out of your face does nothing to improve tempers!
    It didn't help that they had no opposable thumbs to wipe of the blood on their tusks, either.
    Oct 10, 2012
  8. FuzzyBlueBaron
    No, no, you're forgetting your basic biochemisty: PCP plus alcohol makes them all pissed off and superstrong. It's like trying to fight three blenders turned inside out the size of fridges--even if their claws miss you they freaking take out the structural support of the room our in and bring the building down on top of you.
    Oct 13, 2012
  9. Hella
    You silly fool. Real men don't play in buildings.
    They do all this standing naked in the arctic tundra.
    Oct 13, 2012
  10. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Oh I agree that the sitting room is a lousy place to play, but when you're required to use a short ethernet cable your options are limited. :(
    Oct 13, 2012
  11. Hella
    Use Santa's wifi? Duh.
    And that way, Mrs. Claus will give you hot chocolate.
    Oct 13, 2012
  12. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Santa has a wifi?? :eek:
    Oct 13, 2012
  13. Hella
    Hell yeah he does. How do you think he communicates with the spacestations, semaphore? Don't be silly, FBB. Not even elves are that good with a pair of massively oversized flags.
    Oct 14, 2012
  14. FuzzyBlueBaron
    *feels silly*

    I... I... ... :'(
    Oct 14, 2012