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Comments on Profile Post by Ryu

  1. Naime
    I waited for this moment since I was 6. It feels great. Now nobody will put my head into the toilet again. Me can freeeezeee
    Oct 14, 2012
  2. Ryu
    Soon I'll teach you how to summon an army of undead.
    Oct 14, 2012
  3. Naime
    Sounds like Iphone 6 came out
    Oct 14, 2012
  4. Ryu
    Oct 14, 2012
  5. Naime
    hehe xD I just got the idea of watching the new episodes that came out this summer, already watched? Watching it while eating noodles makes my day now man!
    Oct 15, 2012
  6. Ryu
    Of course I already watched them (and re-watched, and re-re-watched and even re-re-re-watched for some), I'm a die-hard fan of that show. And I'm very satisfied by this season, some episodes have that "sad-yet-warm-ending" they used to make in the old days (the infamous dog episode comes to my mind). David X Cohen, you better keep up the good work. Or else...
    Oct 16, 2012
  7. Naime
    I watched the first 4 now, and my favourite is Thief of the baghead xD I was first a little bit disappointed, because IMO some jokes appealed more the kid-section (Farewell to arms), but generally it looks good. Yea I like the sad ends, and I dont want the dog to be revived as a lot of angry people have written them xD
    Oct 17, 2012
  8. Ryu
    Yeah, I know what you mean. But still, some pretty good episodes in this season. I especially loved Near-Death Wish's ending (brought some tears to my eyes), Free Will Hunting (Bender always cracks me up) & the first segment of Naturama (quite tear-inducing too).
    Oct 17, 2012