hehe xD I just got the idea of watching the new episodes that came out this summer, already watched? Watching it while eating noodles makes my day now man!
Of course I already watched them (and re-watched, and re-re-watched and even re-re-re-watched for some), I'm a die-hard fan of that show. And I'm very satisfied by this season, some episodes have that "sad-yet-warm-ending" they used to make in the old days (the infamous dog episode comes to my mind). David X Cohen, you better keep up the good work. Or else...
I watched the first 4 now, and my favourite is Thief of the baghead xD I was first a little bit disappointed, because IMO some jokes appealed more the kid-section (Farewell to arms), but generally it looks good. Yea I like the sad ends, and I dont want the dog to be revived as a lot of angry people have written them xD
Yeah, I know what you mean. But still, some pretty good episodes in this season. I especially loved Near-Death Wish's ending (brought some tears to my eyes), Free Will Hunting (Bender always cracks me up) & the first segment of Naturama (quite tear-inducing too).
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