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Comments on Profile Post by Froghead48

  1. Geti
    Haha, largely old work there, but I'm glad someone is looking at them ;)
    Oct 27, 2012
  2. VanHuek
    Should post an info page of everything? Portfolio? Unless you have..
    Oct 28, 2012
  3. Geti
    Why? Its my stuff, I'll share it if I want to. At the moment I'm focussing on KAG.
    Oct 29, 2012
  4. Froghead48
    there is a page about it, in general discussion somewhere...
    Oct 29, 2012
  5. VanHuek
    Ok, nvm then? That was if you want to show your previous work. End comments.
    Oct 29, 2012