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Comments on Profile Post by Mazey

  1. Geti
    Oct 29, 2012
  2. Mazey
    So I can train myself for when It comes out, and I can't wait for it. I'm sure you need testers :L
    Oct 29, 2012
  3. ImAwesome
    but the current build is build 548...:L
    Oct 29, 2012
  4. Mazey
    Build 534 is with new catapult, sprites etc :LL
    Oct 29, 2012
  5. Riletyface
    The build number goes UP every day. Why would it go down for a future build?
    Oct 30, 2012
  6. Mazey
    Go to devlog.kag2d.com
    Go to the message of 3 weeks ago and watch the video, at top of screeb it sais build 534
    Oct 30, 2012
  7. ImAwesome
    Probably a bug or something :/
    Oct 30, 2012
  8. Riletyface
    That was weeks ago, probably 534 days when KAG was released. Now that number has increased :P but I guess you should say test build, because it changes all the time.
    Oct 30, 2012
  9. Froghead48
    i thought it went up with every update, large or small? oh well. and Smurf, they have tons of tester, they dont need more :[
    Oct 31, 2012
  10. Geti
    Build number is the number of days since we started working on it. If it was every time we'd built it it'd be in the high ten thousands, if it was every update it'd be around a hundred.
    Nov 3, 2012
  11. Froghead48
    That makes me feel like an exceptional oldfag, knowing ive been playing since build 150 or so ;]
    Nov 3, 2012