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Comments on Profile Post by kl4060

  1. -Tj-
    nah man, ive been a gangsta for ages brah, i just neva showed it until now
    Oct 29, 2012
  2. kl4060
    Wow... BITCH SLAP*
    snap out of it bro man.
    Oct 30, 2012
  3. -Tj-
    i aint in no trance, imma gangsta for ma whole life and it aint about to change man
    Oct 31, 2012
  4. kl4060
    :q crys*
    Oct 31, 2012
  5. Eden
    Yo ghees, only brahs call each otha' brahs, dont be pullin' dem strings nigah
    Nov 3, 2012
  6. -Tj-
    ye ye erex, imma just sayin dat kl is a brah, but he aint a nigga brah, yo know wat im sayin?
    Nov 3, 2012
  7. Eden
    He aint in da cr3w, yo!
    Nov 3, 2012
  8. kl4060
    No "Brah man" I dont speek "Brah"
    Nov 3, 2012