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Comments on Profile Post by Eden

  1. SpideY
    NMS will remain with a bunch of frenchies. Its our fate since 2005.

    And im the only leader muhaha!
    Nov 11, 2012
  2. Eden
    Fair enough
    Nov 11, 2012
  3. kl4060
    It was not a suggestion it was a ask, a question.
    Nov 12, 2012
  4. SpideY
    And i replied.
    Nov 12, 2012
  5. kl4060
    yea. so I'm telling erex to font get me into this =.=
    Nov 13, 2012
  6. Eden
    How did i get you into this? you commented i just agreed too your post.
    Nov 13, 2012
  7. kl4060
    but it wasn't a suggestion it was a question. how do you agree to a question :L
    Nov 13, 2012
  8. Eden
    I dunno :c
    Nov 13, 2012