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Comments on Profile Post by Ninja12

  1. Sirpixelot
    This is all true. But I didnt want him to die persay.. just wanted to watch him fly. Very truly sorry.

    Not much of abuse on the zombie servers though. For I only dropped kegs. No one really cared much apparently. Except this guy.
    Nov 9, 2012
  2. trot888
    Pixel, don't abuse your admin powers, unless they tell you to do something, you may think it's for a joke, But some people don't take jokes, and rage over the fact you freeze them, just remember this <3 <3
    Nov 17, 2012
  3. Sirpixelot
    Kay! :D
    Its not a daily thing though. It happens the second I come on after... a weeks break from the game. So yea.. sorry. <3
    Nov 17, 2012
  4. trot888
    it's ok <3 enjoy KAG!
    Nov 17, 2012