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Comments on Profile Post by Downburst

  1. thesnake7422
    he isnt the basterds plays at 8am in the morning for me so iyou gotta get up early in my time to see him
    Nov 17, 2012
  2. Downburst
    but he joined my server that's on 548 yesterday..
    Nov 17, 2012
  3. thesnake7422
    why are you on 548
    Nov 17, 2012
  4. Downburst
    I am not, I just host a server called "NEW VERSION AT KAG2D.COM UPDATE MANUALLY"
    Nov 17, 2012
  5. Froghead48
    I have a backup for 548, so i was on that version to see whop else was on. ;]
    Nov 19, 2012