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Comments on Profile Post by charles4789

  1. Corwen
    no, it doesn't, that would just be wayyy to easy to get points and shizzle. also, "SPAMMING WILL ENDURE!" does on make sense, surely you should write "SPAMMING WILL ENSUE"...
    Nov 21, 2012
  2. charles4789
    Well actually, I was referring to my passion for spamming, which will always endure.
    Nov 21, 2012
  3. Corwen
    passionate spamming... you can have your fetishes, i'll have mine...
    Nov 21, 2012
  4. charles4789
    Agreed. You don't tell anyone about my spamming, I'll tell no one about your cute anime ice cream fetish. *shudder*
    Nov 22, 2012
  5. Corwen
    Lol... If that was true, i'd have frostbite in all kinds of places!
    Nov 23, 2012